
Who's this guy now?



1 Year
11-21-2015, 11:50 AM

Eilan didn't back down as she ran towards him and kept right on his path as they collided into each other, his shoulder would slam into the left portion of her chest leaving moderate bruising in it's wake as well as leaving light bruising on the front of his own left shoulder.  Something in her movements should've told Eilan that she was not as practiced a fighter as he but part of him was just assuming it was a bluff. If there was one thing his mother beat into his head it was that he was never to underestimate an opponent…. course his mother beat a lot more into him than that.  She'd trained him early, violently though it wasn't anything he'd consider abuse.  It was just her way of caring.  They were of a warrior tribe after all and attacks by rival raiders were common.  If you couldn't fight you were dead regardless of age.

Perhaps that was why when Eilan's jaws wrapped powerfully around her left foreleg, just below the elbow as intended and leaving moderate punctures, he suddenly let go when she yelped.  Eilan was surprised at her cries of pain.  No one back home really showed their pain so openly and it startled him.  His hesitation cost him as he felt her fangs dig into his scruff, mid-way between his head and shoulders, upper fangs on the right side of his neck, lower fangs on the left.  The thick fur and fat and his earlier bunching would keep the damage light but her teeth were firmly knotted in his fur and he was unable to topple her and even more uncertain he could get her to let go.  Eilan rechecked his defenses.  His chin tucked, neck scrunching back and shoulders rolling forward.  His hackles were still raised, his ears pinned to his head as his toes splayed and claws dug into the earth as he moved to spread his limbs equidistant apart, weight shifting evenly over them.  He didn't bother with the others as his jaws would lunge forward, head tilting to his right as he sought to dig his fangs into her left foreleg once more, again just below the elbow with his upper fangs on the outside of the limb and his lower fangs on the inside.  He'd been taught to worsen previous wounds but this time Eilan just wanted to bite long enough to make her yelp again and release him, he wasn't going for a grip.  Part of him wanted to end the fight as he began to question if she realized what she'd gotten herself into. His mother would curse him for his weakness, his sudden pity...

Eilan vs Illume for Spar Rd. 2/2