
got the cash but your credit's no good



4 Years
11-22-2015, 11:37 AM

Other than the cold it hadn't taken Neith very long to settle in, she'd taken to getting know the entirety of the territory and to her surprised delight the giant that was Laufey as well. While she hadn't been too certain about her place within the pack to begin with her job was growing on her. While the more pleasurable side was enjoyable she was appreciating the work as well. She had purpose for the first time in her life, she hunted and helped to feed her pack. It was a life that she would easily grow accustomed to. The simple times quickly changed.

Not so very long after she'd joined the woman would realize her pregnancy. Deep down she had half expected it, but the shock was still very real. After taking a little time to herself to accept her new role she'd realize how much she missed her sister. Neith would make up her mind to seek out Kalliope somehow.

The midnight she wolf would keep her almost sister in her mind as she continued her duties and grew slightly more round. She'd never seen a pregnant she wolf before, and even as her due date approached she wouldn't grow very large. This fact would keep her working up until the moment she went into labor. Neith's limbs were coiled beneath her as she stalked a stray pheasant. At least she thoughts it was a peasant, it was white instead of the regular color. The snow up here turned more than the ground white it seemed. The Moria woman might have struck only moments later, but the first contraction decided then to show itself. While the ones she'd experienced the previous few days had been rather mild, this was a whole new animal. As soon as she felt it she knew they were on their way.

Abandoning her feathery meal the she wolf would head back to her den, which she'd moved closer to the forest not long after she'd joined. The gorge was nice enough, but it was too windy for her liking. The giant forest was much quieter, she didn't have the constant howl of the wind in her ears. The air was still, and she just felt warmer here. She'd found a little hollow in the crook of one of the smaller redwoods, it was much bigger on the inside than the kind of small hole on the outside might lead you to believe. In Neith's mind it was perfect. She'd push back the ferns to reveal the entrance, and slipped inside as another contraction rocked her form.

Time seemed to slow down for the she wolf, she'd struggle for what seemed like a life time before one tiny pup was produced. After all of the effort she'd expected so much more. The babe was tiny and covered in pale silvery fur. There was a dark tint to her limbs, a promise of markings to come. Neith was convinced of her beauty the moment her eyes touched the tiny form. Wasting no time the new mother would clean her tiny child and lay her at her stomach to suckle. With a heavy sigh Neith would put her head to the floor of the cave to rest.