
The Show Must Go On


11-22-2015, 04:04 PM

Another Hero, Another Mindless Crime
Behind The Curtain, In The Pantomime
On And On, Does Anybody Know What We Are Living For?

Whatever Happens, We Leave It All To Chance
Another Heartache, Another Failed Romance
On And On, Does Anybody Know What We Are Living For?

The Show Must Go On!

He had lost. He had the will, but the strength had fled form him the moment the other man went to attack. He had been brutally battered, and from the den he had slipped away during the night. He felt awfully. He had let Avalon be taken. Let her children be taken. But... no. He couldn't give in yet. He would breathe in, the sound shaky through his missing and chipped teeth. Sonticus... there was little denying that it wasn't meant to be. The pack had the will, but not the strength to carry out what it desired. Time and time again it had been kicked around.

In the morning air she heard her call for him. His Arian calling for Sin. He knew what she was doing without even going there. She would not last in a fight with the man again. He would feel his heart clench. No, he would not weep. He would honor her wishes to die in battle, fighting with her last breath. He would do the same. He would breathe in. There was little time left.

He'd stumble, his leg having given him trouble. He'd barely been treated... and it had taken him most of the morning to get just this far. He'd come to a stop, breathing hard. He knew what he had to do... but... did he have the courage to do it?
