
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-22-2015, 06:08 PM

Thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will Be Done...

The beast was on his way to Donostrean lands to collect his brood. He had allowed himself a few days to heal after the siege, and after the encounter with the little woman before leaving the north, had allowed another day or so of marveling at how easy it was to overpower someone so weak. Seifer stalked alongside him, the pair walking the edges of the battlefield as they made a beeline to the southern reaches. However, a howl most familiar would stop them. Single amber gaze would shift, finding the lands of the battlefield as a smirk lifted his maw. It was no ordinary challenge. There was something of a more...senile hint behind it. She was calling for a match more brutal then he'd done to her some time ago, had she really not learned? "Sin?" The lynxes voice cut through his thoughts, his gaze sought out Seifer's for a moment before turning. He would answer this call. "It appears someone hasn't learned their lesson. Come."

Seifer was all too curious, the cat not having been around during the Arian and Sin spats, but Sin had told him about it. Just before the pair moved on, Sin let loose a powerful howl. I'm coming for you. The pair would take their time, moving at an almost lazy lope. Lips curled in an almost maniacal grin, the light of battle clear in his eyes, though he knew it wouldn't be much of a fight. Not after he'd damaged her abilities to freely move about. Upon arrival, the male spotted a familiar face, although he wasn't there when initial words were spoken, he swept a gaze towards Cascade, despite the siege he still respected the woman. The beef after all, wasn't towards Imperium. Even though they had done the dirty work for Abaven. He nodded in her direction before his gaze turned to find Arian. The woman looked almost senile, frail...pathetic as she stood there with who she assumed to be family. Save for the Loner and the imperium kid shooting questions at her.

He tsked a few times, offering a mock look of concern towards her. Clouded and amber gaze locked on hers, though he was still mildly sore from the battle on the Plains he was still fit for a fight. He stood about three yards from her, posture dominant as his head lifted high and his tail curled over his back. Seifer took a stance on his right, a barrier between those who dared try to use Sin's blindness against him, but the devil was smarter then that. He'd trained in blinding blizzards before, so even if he lacked all sight he was sure and confident he could function almost the same as if he did have sight. Forget plastering sticky mud over your eyes, or tying leaves to your face. Blizzards tore at your sight relentlessly, among handicapping other senses.

"Can you really not be any wiser? Time and time again you've been given chances. And now you stand here challenging me? Just look at yourself. You've blamed me for everything, yet you fail to tell everyone what really happened. Shall I enlighten our crowd about why Threar was a prime target? Or why you now struggle to walk?" He stared her dead in the eyes, fur prickling slightly. He wasn't threatened by her in the least bit, but if she wanted a match to the death, he would make sure everyone knew the truth first before he killed her. Confident that he would win. Perhaps seeing her struggle more with the truth would allow him to show a teeny bit of mercy...psh, who was he kidding. He would make her pay. Just like he'd promised.
