
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)

Rœkia T


4 Years
11-22-2015, 05:03 PM

Rœkia had been lounging in her makeshift snow den trying to stave off her boredom. She hated winter. There were fewer herbs to hunt and wolves tended to get touchier about their borders and trading off food for healing, or poisoning, resources. Well… at least she'd found Wolf. The magpie was curled up next to her side snoring loudly and she chuckeld to herself. Then the call went out. Oooooo a death match? Well that could serve to be her entertainment for awhile.

Rœkia quickly nudged the bird awake. "Wolf, get up how about we go check out that death match, hm?" The bird eyed her, his feathers fluffing up. "Do you think I might be able to nibble just a bit off the corpse?" Rœkia giggled and made a face. "Oh come now Wolf, don't be crude. I'm sure we can scrounge up a meal somewhere. I haven't tried bartering with any packs yet. I'm sure they've got plenty of food to spare."

Climbing to her feet and out of the den Wolf flew and landed on her shoulder as she made her way over to the Battlefield. She was hoping she'd get to see two hotties tearing each other to ribbons but instead she found a frail-looking woman, the one she could only assume made the call. Rœkia held back, staying down wind, her smaller body crouched as she watched another woman appear and then a male, neither one seeming to be the frail woman's target. Boo! Was this some weird form of suicide? Rœkia strode toward the gathering of wolves.

"You know, love, if your'e looking to die I have a collection of wolfsbane I'd be willing to sell you quite cheaply… even for free if you let me examine your body once you've vacated it." It hadn't occured to her this was an inappropriate thing to say. She felt she was being very helpful, offering the other woman some options rather than getting mauled by whoever it was she was fighting. Unless it was another cripple she supposed. She supposed that might be interesting. Oh well the words were out of her mouth and she smiled. "My offer stands for everyone else as well. I won't judge." Who knew, maybe she hit the jackpot and walked into some weird sort of cult.
