
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



4 Years
11-22-2015, 06:26 PM

Rated M for language and stuffs.

They came, one by one coming in to tell her that there were better ways. Her brother broke her, hell him being here after his wedding since her mind fell down the gutter. Her blue eyes held no source of the words getting through. The only thing plastered on her face was a smile. Showing off dearly lined canine's for the young woman. Ignoring each and every word placed in her way. Who were these people again? Friends, family, enemies. Eat her - begone consume and ratify her very breath. Yes it was suicide but what did one do when their mind had rotted away. Her paws dug into the ground, too many people were crowding her. She stepped off to the side, carefully limping away from them at least by a few feet. Then, the angel would come. One wing torn at his side as she looked up. He made her laugh. Jaws opening to give out a chuckling gasp like sound.

"Go ahead and tell them punk - won't matter much after." her tail flicked around. "Of course I was the fucking one to tell him to attack Threar. So quiet and innocent - they were the best target. Hell all of you spat out words I don't even understand anymore. You did this to me, you tore my right arm from be because I promised you a crown and you decided to throw a fit when I didn't give it to you. I'm a whore a slut - no one should care how I want to die, no one should care if I die. So bring it on Sin - get that puny little brain of yours working. Because I don't give a shit" her jaws clamped down shut. Not a care about what was going to happen to her. He was going to give her what she wanted and quiet possibly more. Her ears pinned to the back of her head. Weight disturbed on her right legs and slightly on the left back as it shook. Her right limp settling forward as the wound cracked and painfully situated up her shoulder. Only being able to lightly touch the ground rather then anything else. Her tail leveled with her spine, chin tucking to her chest. Hackles raising, rolling her shoulders and scruff forward. Pupils dilating as she narrowed her eyes to her opponent.

Arian would already jump to action, instead of using most of her body she relied on being lower. The woman slid forward on her stomach into the dirt. Aiming to get straight underneath sin between his two front legs. Her claws scraping against the ground for traction as her head tilted to the right and aimed for his baby making parts. Hoping to crush or even cause some sort of pain. Keeping her back legs underneath her. Using her right front leg as she reached upward she attempted to kick at his right back leg. Maybe to break his knee or otherwise kick it from underneath him.


Sin vs Arian for death.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.