
Making Sea Shells by the Seashore



6 Years

11-22-2015, 06:30 PM

Stealing food was the last thing on his mind right now. He was wary around this stranger, and had no issue in showing it - what kind of fool would be comfortable, walking up on someone enjoying a meal? She admitted she didn't live here; she was a traveler.  "I am too, I guess," Steel would admit with a fair bit of uncertainty.   "Used to live up north, but crossed that big sand bridge awhile ago and I've been wandering here since." He would shrug, adding to his explanation, if it really mattered at all.

He tried to smile when she asked if he was going to introduce himself.  "Didn't mean to be rude," he said quietly, his nose wrinkling. Still, she admitted she was joking, but it did seem rude to accept an offer of food without at least introducing himself. "My name is Steel," he would offer, tentatively still, nodding as she gave her own name. Esarosa.

Grateful for the meal, he'd lock his gaze with her own and nod. Figuring he ought to at least try it, since she'd been nice enough to offer, he would take the creature between his jaws tenderly, gnawing at the middle of it, feeling the shell crack between his teeth. The juice wasn't terrible, and he felt it running over his tongue. He'd set it on the ground, using his paws to hold it down as he began to tear at the shell, trying to get a bit of meat. When he finally was able to conjure up some, he ate it gladly, suddenly aware of how hungry he'd been.. and though this wasn't the ideal meal, it certainly was better than nothing.