
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



9 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-22-2015, 07:07 PM
Tornach had been wandering far afield since the siege. His parents and siblings had made no effort to seek him out that he could see, so he stubbornly continued to wander. If they needed or wanted him there, they could ask him. As it stood, he had a lot of family he barely knew, and a lot he had never met at all, who he could spend time getting to know. He'd met his Aunt Epiphron again, and she had children older than he was that he could meet. His cousin Arian had a pack somewhere near his aunt too, and he had not seen her since he was a pup. She had children too, younger than he was. Now that they were no longer in the frozen north, he could seek them out as well. With all the other family members already in packs, he didn't see why his mother needed so desperately to make their own pack. Why couldn't they join one of his cousins and help them? Then his mother would be safer, and his father with his disability would no longer need worry about it, and Baine would be protected...

His head raised at the sound of a vaguely familiar voice. Was that not... his cousin Arian? She sounded so weak and sick, yet she was challenging another wolf to the death! The young Adravendi took off at a sprint but he arrived to a battle already begun. Though his eyes were calm and he was silent, his hackles bristled with a protective fury that had begun to bubble up within him. He had saved this wolf's packmates! And now he set upon Tornach's cousin! He stood at his full height, black masked face tucked against his chest as he stared at the combatants, then around at all the faces staring so avidly. "Why are none of you stopping this?" he cried out at them suddenly. "These wolves have families! Children! Wolves who love them! Why are you allowing this? Is this entertaining you?" Did no one care that his crippled cousin was spending her life on this? Why were none of the adults stopping them?

This character is equally proficient in both English and Irish Gaelic

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