
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



9 Years
Athena I
11-22-2015, 08:15 PM

Moments after he arrived, several others did as well. None of them he recognized except for the pack scents they carried on their fur, with the exception of one that appeared to be a loner. Arian didn't say a word to him and when she limped away from him and everyone else all he could do was stare. His jaw tightened and his mismatched ears flattened against his skull. He cared so deeply for all of his family members than no matter what trouble Arian got herself into he had always tried his best to support her. Now he watched her walk away to damn herself.

The man that would be her challenger appeared and he would finally have a face to put with a name. He had heard of Sin from Arian of course, and when he spoke nothing he said was a surprise to him. Arian had already told him about Threar and the cause of her maim. However, the words that shocked him the most came from Arian. She cursed and degraded herself more than anyone else and, what really hurt him, is that she seemed to really think no one would care if she died. There was nothing more he could say or do for her. She dived into the fight and he had to tear his eyes away.

He heard a voice from the other side of the gathering and he looked up to see Avalon, the woman he had spoken with long ago on Arian's behalf when Sonticus was still up north. He sighed and shook his head. Could Arian not see how many cared for her? His ears perked a little when a familar scent reached him and he looked back over his shoulder to see Glacier sitting a short distance away from the group. Leo's brows pulled together as he looked at the large man with curiosity. He was just about to go speak with him when a disgruntled cry made his head whip back around the other way. He barely recognized the young man since the last time he had seen him Tornach had been a small pup. He recognized his scent though along with the traces of Surreal's on him. A sigh passed his lips and he hurried over to Tornach's side, nudging his shoulder. "Hush, we can't stop them now. Believe me, I would if I could. But this is Arian's decision."

"Talk" "You" Think