
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



7 Years

11-22-2015, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2015, 08:23 PM by Lillianna.)
ooc. that would be considered, because I honestly want it to stay in the thread. also, doms generally stay in the thread they are started in

It would take no time at all for things to start getting heated. Starling showed up, something that would cause Lillianna to jump to her paws, eyes glued to the brown and white form. He was oblivious to all the watchers, instead beelining for Arian... who would pay no heed to any words spoken to her. Sin would appear, exchanging harsh words... why Threar was picked? Her ears twitched, curiosity making her sit up straighter - only to have Arian herself snarl a response to the man, after ignoring everything all others said. This woman was truly... out of her mind. The fight begun, but that wasn't the end.

Avalon showed up, the woman who defeated Lillianna in a spar so many months ago. Distressed, she was. A boy, a boy that caused her ears to fall back and to look away; she wanted to explain but it was not her place to do so - just as it was not her place to stop Arian, who clearly wished for this to happen. At the same time, she was inclined to agree with him - Arian was clearly not of the right mind; why should she be allowed to go through with this? Still, uneasiness filled her, and she'd say nothing.

A blur would catch her attention, and she would snap her head up to face the snarling creature... she recognized him. Oh, did she recognize him; he was the one Integra ripped the balls off of. He was already walking? It had been some time since the siege, but regardless - it was still... soon. Her ears still flattened to her head, she simply looked at him. Her fault for what? For the loss of his manhood? That was Integra - not Lillie.

"I... what?" Lillianna shook her head. What was this male even doing, other than trying to start a fight? "I've no wish to fight you," she sighed. Okay, she wouldn't mind a fight terribly much - but she really... didn't want to fight. At the same time... Lillianna smirked. "It wouldn't be enough of a challenge, anyways," she added a brief second later. Her gaze drifted down, focusing on the precise lack of Enigma's manhood, before raising and staring him in the eyes. Her ears had risen, her tail curling over her back as she did so. Okay, maybe she did want a fight.

"Speech" "Farrym"

Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.