
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
11-22-2015, 09:45 PM
Epiphron had been here before. Not just once, no - quite a few times.. but one occasion stood out clearly in her mind.  Hearing her daughter's battle cry, ringing clear and unmistakable across the land, made her heart clench painfully in her chest. It was a cry to the man that had harmed her.. the man that had taken the Plains from Surreal and her family. There was nothing good about the feeling that settled in her stomach. Slowly, she would begin to travel toward the center of the continent, each step filling her with dread that she could not shake. The journey took longer than she had anticipated, perhaps accentuated by the anxiety that filled her to the brim suddenly. Why did Arian want to fight, when she had so much to live for?

Quite a few wolves had already arrived. She was quick to spot Leo, and her paws would carry her toward her son with ease. He seemed visibly upset, and quickly she would move to press her nose to his cheek. Already her daughter and Sin had begun to fight.. she was too later to interfere, and she knew Arian was too stubborn to let her stop her. A heavy sigh fell from her lips as her breath hitched in her throat. "Leo.."  she said quietly, her focus zeroing in on the fight. Oh, if Sin really hurt her, he would have hell to pay.  "Why is this happening?"  Epiphron couldn't tell how long they'd been here, or what Leo had seen, but she felt herself leaning heavily against her son's side for support. She noticed Tornach nearby, but as far as she was concerned, the others could be completely invisible - she didn't care at all about them.