
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-22-2015, 11:27 PM

Fool. She was hell bent on fighting him. He'd given her a chance to back down, but she had opted not to. He was sure Her challenge would be blamed on him...just as Threars lack of fighting had resulted in a siege against him. But he wouldn't dwell on that. He was content with sticking to the shadows until his time to rise again, but Arian would deny him that. It wasn't going to be much of a challenge, but a deathmatch wrote the end of one participant or the other. He would not be the one dying today. This was Her doing. He had left her alone after the day he maimed her, but evidently she didn't want to be left alone. That was fine. She wouldn't make it out alive.

Her words struck him as laughable. She had nothing left to live for, yet when he threatened blackmail the first time she had gotten so riled and sore about being found out...that was when he maimed her. Telling him that nobody would believe him, yet where was she now? Spilling to the world that it was her idea, and then trying to save face that he threw a fit. How naive, that wasn't what he had done at all. If there was anything that he hated more, were liars and those who stepped back on their own word. He laughed openly at her, his gaze narrowing at her futile attempts. "You're so naive. I gave you a chance to leave me alone after you disrespected me and lied to my face. I was willing to help you, especially after you were the one to ask for my help, even begging to be friends. You were too weak then, too spoiled by your own selfish thoughts...not only putting yourself in danger, but your pack as well."

He hummed a bit, Seifer's ears twitching to the unnamed tune as he stared at the crippled woman. She was a fool...Sin was right. Even while others continued to appear, the pair paid no mind. The woman was insane, and she clearly wanted her death certificate signed. They probably wouldn't have to work hard though. She was already splayed out on a platter like a roast pig with an apple in its mouth. How delightful. As Sin began setting his defenses, Seifer would step away a few short feet, claws retracting in and out as he scuffed the dirt, a hungry rumble in his throat. Sin would promptly set his defenses then. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned to his alabaster crown, bloodied maw wrinkling to bare deadly fangs, tail swept out like a flag while his head lowered, both aligning with his spine. Chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward slightly to protect his neck, head pulled back a bit to scrunch his scruff, hackles rose while his abdominal muscles tensed. Toes splayed and nails dug into the stained earth as he widened his stance to sit equidistant apart. His knees and elbows lowered slightly to allow fluid motion. Weight shifting towards his haunches as he prepared to launch.

Just before he could, however, Arian had decided she wanted to go first. Initially, he had stopped three yards in front of her. But she seemed determined to try and close the fairly large (large for her) distance between them. As she moved forward, he would move as well. Sidestepping twice to his own left (Arian's right), he kicked off with powerful hind limbs. He sought to remove himself from her poor direct line of attack, the woman ungracefully flopping and sliding down to the ground. Her jaws would snatch empty air. Did she really think he was just going to stand there and let her slide under him? wrong. (meanwhile Seifer would burst out laughing at that) He sought to align himself with his right shoulder to her right shoulder, jaws opening to aim to his right. He would seek to lunge down at a rightward angle, teeth seeking to grasp the back of her neck in a powerful grip. Bottom canines sought to dig into the right of her neck, and top canines sought to dig into the portion of her neck at the base of her skull. Should he attain it, he would strive to shake his head violently without releasing, potentially gaining control.

Meanwhile, as her right foreleg shot forward, it would strike his right hind leg just below the knee, but with his weight focused on his hind legs, she would not unbalance him, instead, she would only manage to leave a light bruise and mild welts from her blunt claws. As soon as her paw made contact, he lifted his right hind leg and aimed a vicious kick to her face, aiming mostly to kick her right eye and blind her for the fight. Weight shifted to his other three legs to accommodate this. And if he could, he would strive to keep her on the ground where she belonged. Snarling like a wild animal, the fire inside the beast was ignited. He would give her what she so foolishly wished for.

Sin VS Arian for DEATH

Round 1/3

"Behold my glorious eyepatch of doom!"