
Then I'll Raise You Like A Phoenix


11-23-2015, 01:27 AM

There had been a party, but the boy hadn't gone. He felt like he shouldn't, though he didn't know why. It felt like no one else in the pack other than Ash really liked him. He didn't understand. What had he done wrong? Or what was he not doing? The boy would lay on his back in the grasses of the orchard, breathing in and out in slow sighs. Ears were flicked back, his blue gaze sad. He wasn't sure what he was going to do. He wanted more friends. Ash was great! But the other had his own life too. Rhyme was kind of nice too... but he hadn't gotten to play with the other near long enough.

Mieu would get to his paws, ears perking up. His stomach would growl, and an urge would press him to a half eaten rabbit that lay in the distance. Looked like a wolverine or something had got to it. He would slowly lower his head to the ground, sniffing at it. Eww... he was hungry but he wasn't that hungry. Surely he could hunt something for himself, right?

With the rumbling of his gut to remind him of his mission Mieu would start to stalk after the first thing he saw; a squirrel. The little critter would twitch it's tail, moving across the ground as it stored its nuts for the winter. A bit late, aren't you mister squirrel?

Mieu would shoot forward, snapping his jaws around the smaller creature's body. He'd kill it instantly, dropping down to the earth and chowing down hungrily. The meat wasn't the greatest, but it tasted great to the hungry youth. He'd eat the entire thing, tail and all, before setting his head on his paws.

Well... that was one problem solved.

"Listen to me talk, 'but know my thoughts