
Ghosts of the Past


11-23-2015, 01:51 AM

There was concern written on Bass’ face, that much was clear. Allen would be quick to reassure the other that it was not the worst possible thing. “Nona and the kids are doing better, so don’t fret about them.” The man would close his eyes. “But Bass... I had an accident not long after we left Abaven. I nearly was sucked up by the ground... It was thanks to several wolves that I was saved. One of them being Sin himself... Lillie and Arian as well.” The man would open his eyes again.

“I thought at first I was right about him... That he was just another man like you or I...” He would shake his head. “You know Arian and I are related, yes?” He would pause for but a moment before continuing. “Sin.. He... He maimed her other leg. She can barely walk now.”

The man would shudder. “I agreed to take Abaven for a time... So that she could pass it on to her son when the time came... But Bass... I felt so guilty. It felt so wrong. Sonticus isn’t my home... Abaven is my home...” The brute would whine loudly. “I gave the pack to Cypress, Arian’s mate... Bass... I... I want to come home... With Nona and the kids...” He would press his nose into Bass’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry...”

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'
Table by:: Tealah