
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



9 Years
Athena I
11-23-2015, 08:19 AM

This whole thing was spiraling more and more out of control. He knew some other drama or fight was happening off to the side, but he ignored it entirely. The only fight he was concerned with was his sister's. More wolves would arrive, including his mother. She leaned into him and he wouldn't complain, happy to be her support during this. He would shake his head to her question with gritted teeth. "I'm not entirely sure she even knows. She's so... She's not the Arian I know," he told her, his voice hushed and strained with emotion. He didn't want to watch this fight that was sure to be his adopted sister's demise, but it was impossible to keep from watching the blood shed.

His nephew's voice pulled his gaze away and he looked over to see Riv screaming at his mother to stop. He could see the tension in the boy's muscles, the urgency to stop the impossible. Leo quickly reached over with his white pawed foreleg, reaching across his shoulders and pulling his frame closer to his with a shake of his head and a sorrowful look in his eyes. "Leave her be," was all he would say. There was no pleading that any of them could do now. Even if they could stop her there would be no healing her broken soul or mind. She had set this path for herself and he knew better than to try and change it.

Arian's daughter showed up next and her cries broke his heart more than anything else had. His gaze met hers and he wished he had answers for the questions her eyes held. There was no explaining this. "Holly... Come here. Stay here with us." He pulled her over against his chest, settling down onto his haunches as he did so. He had his mother leaning in on one side, his nephew on the other, and his niece against his chest. His heart was broken and he was furious at himself for not foreseeing something like this sooner and not being able to stop it, but he held himself together and forced himself to be the pillar for the rest of his family. Cypress arrived soon after Holly and he would watch the man sadly. He would intervene on behalf of his nieces and nephews and cousins and even his mother, but he wouldn't dare try to stop Arian's mate. He knew if it had been Svetlana in that fight he would do the same thing.

"Talk" "You" Think