
Single Sisters Stick Together



5 Years
11-23-2015, 05:37 PM

Gale Elementas

Walk | Talk | Think

Two down, Gale thought as she wandered the obsidian shoreline, more mindful of her pawsteps on the shimmering black sands because of the lateness of the hour. She was not typically one to stay up late and often enjoyed curling up in the warm den with all of her siblings. But the communal space was not quite the same as it had been when they had first claimed the territory. Voltage typically stayed away, sheltering his small family minus one member from the rest of them, either for comfort's sake or because mixing both lives was too complicated. She could understand his distance, somewhat, but it did not make his absence any easier to bear. It was mostly Glacier, who acted as her personal fluffy heater during these times when the cold started to settle in, that really made her feel out of place. She should have been happy that he had a lovely little ray of Sunshine to love and dote on, and she was. But only to an extent.

It had not crossed her mind when her siblings guided her and her littermates to this new land that their relationships would change. She had assumed they would stay a tight knit family, depending solely on each other because they were all they could trust. But one by one, slowly, the natives began to creep in. Voltage had a mate - and kids - and she had no doubt that Glacier would soon too. She had no idea where her younger sister Astrea's boyfriend had wandered off to, but there was another. They were all making friends, making lives, outside of the one they shared with each other. Gale, in comparison, felt stagnant and left behind.

And there was also the matter of her fifth birthday coming up in the next season. I am not getting old.

Needing something to keep her mind occupied, especially because sleep inside of the emptier-than-usual communal den felt like a far off thing, the lavender-marked Elementas girl trekked around behind the caverns where her family rested and began the short climb to the clifftops that stood against the back of the rocky dens. Maybe a moment looking at the stars, something she had not done in quite some time, would take her mind off things, allow her to rest if it proved not to be exceptionally cold all the way at the peak. Expecting to find the locale empty, Gale went unhurried and absently along the path, letting her attention be drawn heavenward as she crested the top.