
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-23-2015, 06:55 PM

Three legs down. One to go. Arian had made a fatal mistake by challenging him, especially given her disabilities. Did she really hope to beat him? Teeth clamped down upon her right shoulder as she flopped onto her left side, the male shaking violently as his teeth tore away flesh and fur. She had challenged him to the death, and if this was her wish then he was obligated to grant it. He snarled as he felt teeth clamp around his right hind paw after he managed to kick her squarely in the face. He snarled when he felt the telltale sign of toes breaking, but it wouldn't quite hinder him. He would have a broken paw, but it didn't matter as long as he came out on top in the end.

He had tormented her, but she had asked for it. The male pulled his right hind leg towards his body, attempting to yank it towards him and her jaws with it to try and see if her head would follow so as to extend her neck for a more brutal bite. She had placed herself in a bad position, and he wondered if she would be able to even get up let alone support herself after he massacred her right shoulder. He kept his defenses in place throughout it all: ears remained pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles stiff along his body, tail tucked this time to protect his vital parts and sensitive belly, maw wrinkled and shoulders rolled forward to protect his jugular. His head lowered to align with his spine, weight distributed among his three grounded limbs, toes splayed and claws biting the earth to hold him in place. His head pulled back slightly to bunch his scruff, chin tucked to add further protection for his throat.

With a vicious snarl, he twisted his body like a feral cats, his right foreleg lifting as he then extended the limb towards the back of her head, directly over the back of her neck. Should he be successful in extending her neck when he pulled the trapped paw up, he aimed to slam his right forepaw upon the back of her neck and overextend the muscles there. He would strive to shove her head to the ground--weight shifting to his left side--furthermore, his jaws would seek to once again, lay claim to the already damaged right shoulder. He bowed his head, aiming to land a powerful grip and tear apart the muscle just between the base of her upper shoulder and the base of her neck, aiming to worsen the damage he had inflicted previously.

Seifer would rise, stalking around to Sin's left as his gaze hungrily observed the fight. He would call it brutal, but the woman had chosen a path of suicide. All around them, he could hear the screaming and crying of children, hers no doubt, and the rest would be ignored. She was foolish, and in the end, both he and Sin would show her just how foolish this mission was.

Sin VS Arian for DEATH

Round 2/3
"Behold my glorious eyepatch of doom!"