
Where One Door Closes, Another Opens



9 Years
Athena I
11-23-2015, 11:00 PM
She had drifted away from her friend some time ago. She was beginning to wonder if she would ever be able to make enough of a commitment and attachment to anyone or anything to really stay with them for any length of time. Her time in Threar had been full of uncertainty and disappointment because she couldn't make herself feel that pride in her home that everyone else seemed to feel. She liked being around Akí, but in the end she only failed herself again by going off on her own.

She felt her way forward with her paws, ears pricked forward to listen to any hint of sound or change. Her steps were nearly effortless now. She had never known anything different than this darkness that constantly surrounded her. Her years of traveling blindly had made her a master of it. However, every once in a while something would happen that would throw her off slightly. This time, that thing would be a voice suddenly cutting through the silence to reach her sensitive ears.

She would stop mid step, listening to the voice and sniffing the air to help her locate it's source. She was surprised to see that he was actually fairly close by. She was usually better about keeping an eye on her surroundings and she quietly scolded herself for not paying better attention. His words had her curious though so she made her way toward him and stopped a few feet away. "If they are meant to be in your life they'll come back," she told him, settling on her haunches. "At least that's what I've always believed. Wolves come and go, but if it's meant to be it'll happen. Not to worry." She didn't really know if her advice would be welcomed, not that she much cared. She was pretty good at judging others emotions by their scents and voices so she only spoke what was true and what she felt like others wanted to hear.