
Maybe Maybe



4 Years
11-24-2015, 03:23 AM

It was no use. Everyone was gone. Mother, Father, her siblings, her friends, her family - they had all left her. Maybe that was how it was meant to be, maybe her life was destined to a rogue lifestyle. Maybe she was supposed to be alone, though ever so desperate for the company of others, even strangers if she came across them. She didn't want that, she didn't want any of that. She didn't want to entertain herself with other loners as a mere way to occupy her thoughts and pass the time. There wasn't much left to do other than roam uselessly across the lands and just take up space. Every day seemed the same. Wake up, hunt when on the brink of malnourishment and search for family. She'd finish each day more depressed than the previous. No hope.

Never did she know it was all about to change.

She found herself lumbering through the falls - a ghost town of a pack now fallen. Every paw step she dreaded, frightened of the hallucinations that plagued her mind every time she entered the empty territories. Yet something pushed her onwards, what was it? Was it determination? Was it out of pure boredom she searched the falls and bay every day? Perhaps she was like a machine, automatically programmed without any thought or objection. She just did it. Besides, she didn't expect much anyway. Stale scents, empty dens, sickening nostalgia - it was the same every time. Well, not this time. For the first time, a fresh and bold scent wafted to her nose. It was such a shock; she had been so used to the old smells. Then a familiar white form drifted through the trees. Mother? No. You're hallucinating. Turn around. Turn around now. At that point, she didn't care about logic. She didn't care what the odds were, or what happened the last time she mistook a loner for her mother. She just felt it was him. "Miksa?" she called out, vocals faltering.
