
Dancing Through Life


04-15-2013, 03:09 PM

Elegant white fur ruffled in the passing breeze as the dame lowered her maw to the crystalline waters of the lake. Her pink tongue escaped her equally pale lips and gently she lapped up her fill of a drink. She could not get over the beauty of Valhalla. Its forests, its colors, its... everything. They had water a plenty and food seemed to be common. Her scent was beginning to blend with the rest of the packs and she was no longer eyed suspiciously, a few had even been kind enough to approach her, offering a soft spoken word and a kind hello. She had not regretted her decision to join Valhalla in the slightest.

She was still adjusting to life among allies once again, she had not isolated herself and she was her kind and gentle self should she be sought out or chanced upon, but the adjustment from a life of solitude to a life of many was slightly overwhelming for her, but she was recalling her social graces, and Valhalla proved to be a great deal kinder than Arkhein had ever been. No... if she lived out the rest of her days here, even if she never achieved the family she had always dreamed of, she would feel content, or so she thought.

A familiar scent caught her nose and she lifted her head, sky blue eyes scanning the forest for the familiar visage, tentatively she tested the air, sniffing delicately, an excited smile breaking across her maw as she confirmed his presence. Her legs set her off at an easy canter, carrying her through the trees with a fluidity and grace that only time could grant. Her tail flickering behind her in excitement. She had not seen the young male in some time and while she did not know him remarkably well, she considered him a friend, and one that she had not realized she missed until she had scented him upon the breeze.

"Syrinx!" She called out to her young friend, tones gliding from her maw with ease. "Wait!" She increased her pace to catch his fleeing form, where was he off too in such a hurry?
