
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



6 Years
Dragon Mod
11-26-2015, 01:44 PM

He sneered as teeth connected right between her shoulder blades, the males teeth digging in as he tasted blood. She was trying to move, sure as hell she was trying to get underneath him, but he would be quicker then the fish out of water he was fighting. It almost made him snort with laughter, and he would have if he wasn't currently trying to fight and save his hide. Not that it would be hard to do against her. As his body was curved to his right like a cat in a tangle of its own, he released his hold on her shoulders, fur and skin ripping away. His paw had missed the back of her head, and with his widened stance and angle, he would quickly pull it back to him and reground the leg she had let go and the leg he had tried to push her with, and maneuver himself away.

As she tried to flop around beneath him, he would swing his hips to his left away from her, almost like a semi circle as he sought to align them up like a T so she wasn't beneath him. his defenses remained as she tried to cross them over one another. Amber gaze narrowed to slits, hackles raised all along his body, tail flagged out to align with his spine as well as aid him in balance, his shoulders rolled forward, head falling slightly to align with his spine, chin tucked, ears pinned, weight redistributed to his three good paws, toes splayed and nails biting the dirt. His head pulled back slightly to bunch his scruff, and his knees bent to give him more fluid motion.

With his new positioning, her jaws would meet with the lower portion of his chest, the woman attaining a mild grip as her teeth dug in about an inch deep. She was fighting a losing battle, and he would note it as she now stood shakily, somehow. He would sneer then, using this opportunity to throw her in the dirt. He would coil his hind limbs, then kick forward as he attempted to throw all of his weight forward. Her teeth tore moderate lacerations further across his chest, but he would take it as long as she ended up in the dirt where she belonged.

His goal was to unbalance her with his shove, knock her over onto her left side as he strove to push her from her right. To help with this, Sin would reach forward with his left forepaw, aiming to snake it around Arian's right hind leg and yank it towards him. Weight redistributed once again to his other three legs (though not as much on his broken paw). Jaws opened, and he would tilt his head slightly downward as he sought to place a good bite on the center of her spine. (top fangs over the left side of the spine, bottom fangs on the right side). He aimed to get a crippling bite, potentially seeking to break her back and render her completely useless.

Seifer had been stalking around them the whole time, crimson eyes hungry for blood. His bobbed tail twitched, muscles coiling as he watched them fight. Finally, as he saw Sin attempt to knock her to the ground, Seifer would take the opportunity to strike. Coiling his limbs, he rushed in at a leftward angle (Arian's left side), his jaws opening as he sought to close in. Glistening fangs sought to do one thing, and that was to choke the life from her. He would seek to close his fangs around Arian's neck, bottom fangs curving into her throat, top fangs curving into the left side of her neck. Should he be successful, he wanted to strangle her, maybe even bleed her out. She would die a martyr, but it wouldn't be a glorious death.

Sin VS Arian for DEATH

Round 3/3