
Single Sisters Stick Together



5 Years
11-25-2015, 04:20 AM

Astrea smiled at her sister wise words. She was indeed in tone with her element, that was good. It was always good to be in tune and understand the nature all the siblings where born with. Astrea nodded, her pale eyes beaming, "Well said sister." She turned to her fully then, her head away from the stars. She knew whatever brought her sister up to this cliff top looking for the calm in the elements was nothing good.

As her sister laid out her innermost feeling to Astrea. Feelings that the Star Dreamer more than understood. She burst out in laughter. "Boy do I know how that is sister." She thought back to the time when Voltage and Glacier was telling the family about the roles that they where going to undertake in the fledgling pack. At that time Astrea had no idea about her worth or calling and she had came to this cliff face to brood in the feeling of unworthiness. It was only when Voltage came to her and comforted her, telling Astrea that she was needed for a role, the very role she now held.

But that was not the last time Astrea felt that stagnant feeling in her life. No she had left her family in the spring for that same reason, she felt that she was not who she needed to be, that she was again not moving forward, that she was standing still. But even now it seemed that all her trails to improve herself and make herself a better wolf was all for nothing, she took two steps forward and now she was standing still yet again... "All those times I improved myself and changed for the family, when everything is all said and done I go from running to standing still." She gave Gale a sad smile. "Sister, I am the youngest of us all and my element the furthest away and inescapable. Where you can feel the wind on your face, I can only look at the stars and wish to, maybe, one day touch them. I feel left out just about every day of my life."

"What you say make perfect since to me." Astrea this time let her sigh go. She felt more lonely now than she ever had, at least before she had Ten to lean on but with him gone she now knew that he was more of a rock then she first thought he was. "I do not know about you Gale, but I am more lonely today then I was when I turned two and everything I knew was ripped from me." She never looked away from her sister, her pale eyes showing more maturity than she ever had, more than even a simple journey out into the world should have given her. She had saw more then she thought possible, and not a soul has asked her about what happened those months away...
