
Put Your Guard Up

Rhyme I


10 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantFamousTrick 2019
11-25-2015, 11:39 AM
sorry it took forever <3


He'd trot up to her confidently as she teased him with a surprise, eagerly he'd close the distance, but as she turned away from him he knew that nothing good was going to come from her movement. His eyes would widen as he watched her antics, and the sudden smell that followed. As she laughed evily he would take more than a second to recover as he realized what she did. By that time she was already making her escape. The fart completely forgotten all Rhyme's mind would focus on was revenge. With a puppy growl he'd make his plans known. "I'm gonna get you Rhys!" With that he'd attempt to leap after her, wanting to stay on her heels until he was able to make his attack.

Even while running after her he'd try to remember everything his dad had taught him so far. He needed to keep his ears to his skull, narrow his gaze, pull back his lips so that his teeth her not hindered by them. He'd open his jaw slightly so that when his sister gave him the opportunity he'd be able to bite her right away. He'd raise his hackles and straighten out his tail to align with his spine and neck as he lowered his head to be parallel with his shoulders. His weight would be evenly distributed and he'd splay his toes and dig his claws into the earth as he ran. He'd tuck his chin and roll his shoulders as best he could do as he tried to catch up with Rhys.

If he was able to get mostly beside her the boy would choose that moment to release the extra boost of speed he'd been saving. From slightly behind her (Parallel to where she would run his shoulder would aim to be side by side with her hips on her left side.) the boy would aim to slam the broad right side of his right shoulder with her left hip. He'd aim closer to her pelvis in hopes that he would knock her off balance. At the same time he'd use his partially open jaws to try and grasp hold of her lower scruff. He'd want to sink his jaws into the loose fur right behind her shoulder blades above her spine. Rhys was going down!

Rhyme v. Rhys for Revenge of the Fart round 1 of 1

"Talk" "You" Think