



04-15-2013, 03:29 PM

Loccian's head lifted, ears swiveling forward, catching the sound of howls echoing through the land. Grey eyes pulled away from the sky to settle on the wolf beside her, Bronze, the newest member of Seracia. She had convinced the male to join the pack, talking to Gerhardt who had accepted him in. After that meeting she had showed the male the lands, showing him landmarks to show the borders of their territory, explaining the laws, the ranking system and answering any questions he had for her about the pack or its lands. The shewolf had even showed him the camp where the dens mainly were, in the western side of the territory, a collection of boulders scattered about. She explained to him that the wolves got to chose their den, they weren't organized by ranks and what not. She did show him that hers was off from the others, kind of isolated.

Must be the event King Gerhardt mentioned. Her voice soft, gentle, pushing herself away from a herb she had been showing to the male. It was one she thought he would like to know about, soothing aches and pains in the joints. Before I found you he mentioned there being an alliance with a pack in the northeast lands, Ludicael. That some wolves would be accompanying their Alpha and meeting us today. We should get going. Paws carried her past the male, smile on her face as her tail brushed against him for a brief moment. The two were not too far from where the howls had come from, only a twenty minute walk.

On the way to the spot Loccian tried engaging in a friendly conversation with Bronze. Asking how his wounds were doing, if he needed some more herbs to soothe any pain, how he was feeling about the pack so far, the weather, stuff like that. And once the wolves were in sight she looked to him with a smile before moving forward, clearing her throat to make her presence known. Welcome Ludicael, I hope your journey here went well. I am Contessa Loccian, lead healer of Seracia. She bowed her head to an oddly colored shewolf, the alpha who she had met not long ago when she was out in the Red Forest, from what she remembered her name was Jupiter. Her grey gaze looked over the wolves with a king and friendly smile before settling on the female. If you or your pack members are sore from the trip I will tend to them, just let me know. She dipped her head to her before stepping back and taking a seat near her King.
