
The Eagle And The Dove



12 Years
Extra large
11-28-2015, 11:31 AM
He seemed to have startled her with his woof, because Ganja bristled and turned, relaxing as soon as she saw him. Her returned greeting showed her maturity that had come in since the last time he'd seen her, and his exuberance quickly mellowed to his usual regal strength as he lowered his haunches to the sand, though his tail still swept marks into the grains. A large grin flashed across his muzzle at her remark on his boisterousness and he tipped his head slightly with a chuckle. "Well, it's been a long time since I saw you. Last time I went to the island, you weren't there anymore." There was no accusation in his tone, only an honest sadness.

Her next words, sighed heavily, brought his tail to a stop on the sand, his expression turning solemn as he said "I'm sorry." It was the best he could offer. It seemed he had the opposite side of the coin; his sister had returned at last, alive and well. There was still a lot of getting to know left for he and Faite; so much time had passed, and both of them had been forced to grow up at a young age. He to keep his mother alive while they were lost on the southern continent, and she to survive as a pup lost in the wilds. But they would get there eventually.

"What about your Aunt Rainbow?" Had the mysterious aunt gone on the search too? Ganja held no other wolf's scent on her coat, however, so he guessed maybe not. He'd never met the female himself. "You're still welcome to stay with my family if you like. I know Mother and Da wouldn't mind, and we'll have a pack someday soon..." He trailed off, unable to completely mask the hopeful note to his words. He'd missed his tiny green friend who shared unique coloring as something in common with himself.