
Flee the complex



5 Years
11-28-2015, 01:14 PM
Eridanus 'Adahy' Sterling

It was high time that he showed his scarred face again, and as his paws touched the soil of the Battlefield once again, he settled into a comfortable soldier's tread; head and tail dropping to hold level with his shoulders and hips, aligning his spine neatly as he crossed the rolling bloodstained hills, ignoring the old bones of those long fallen in battle, circling the area until he heard a call for a fight. The voice was young, even if it might have come from a large wolf. Automatically, his path veered toward the call, paws quickening the pace into an easy, languid trot.

Eridanus had done his stretches before coming out here, and the traveling pace had kept his muscles warmed and elastic, and he was already primed for action by the time he reached the wolf that would be today's opponent. Molten dual toned eyes took in the boy, for that was what this wolf, though very much larger than himself, was. The pup was nearly a year, it seemed. Danus' paws settled into an easy stance, squared, toes spreading for added balance as he stopped at a distance of approximately ten feet from the boy. He finally spoke, voice calm. "You came to learn?" To fight, obviously, and learning would come with the fighting.

"I do not hold blows, even for pups. You have been warned." With that, he lunged forward, seeking to swiftly close that ten feet of distance at a head on charge. Head and tail flowing at a level with his spine, hackles rising from the base of his skull to the base of his tail to provide a fluffy barrier against teeth, while his shoulders rolled forward to guard his neck at the base, and his neck scrunched back to roll his scruff into a protective barrier of flesh and fat over his vertebrae and nerves. His chin tucked over his throat, ears pinning, face pulling into a menacing, silent snarl that joined his narrowed eyes, teeth bared, jaws parting slightly. His toes remained spread for balance, claws digging against the soil for traction, which would aid in mobility. His paws fell in a balanced cadence, spreading his weight equally to each limb.

He veered slightly to his own right - Rivaxorus' left - and sought to drive the bony point of his left shoulder into the center of the pup's chest, at the base of the trachea, seeking to bruise and drive the wind out of his young opponent, as well as perhaps staggering him with the force, while simultaneously, his head tipped to his own right and upward, jaws parting and seeking to clamp shut on the left side of Rivaxorus' head, upper canines seeking a grip over the top of the left ear, while his lower canines strove to grip under Rivaxorus' left lower jaw bone. Danus wished to obtain a strong hold with which he could better control his larger if less experienced opponent's head and remove a threat of the boy's teeth, and cause painfully distracting damage in the form of lacerations with his teeth, while his weight shifted fluidly onto his other three legs as his left front paw sought to rise and smash down on Rivaxorus' left front paw, seeking to bruise and perhaps sprain the toes as he sought to drive his weight into the stomp.

He had not been lying when he'd said he never held his blows. This was the most effective way to learn, in his opinion. Pain was more memorable, and the mistakes that caused it would be better remembered, and avoided.

-:: Eridanus vs Rivaxorus for Spar ::-
Round 1/3




Extra Notes: Three rounds okay? (Favorite round count) Also forgive any spelling errors: WordPad has no spellchecker. Such horror.