
I only call you when it's half past five


11-28-2015, 05:17 PM

As Gethin shifted his stance to hold her body tight to his more comfortably he couldn't help but grin as he watched the eager expression on her face. She was quite the find and he was going to be sure to hold onto her for quite a while. He had never found a woman as genuinely willing and eager as she was. It only made him want to put his all into enjoying all of her even more than he would have anyway. The moment her whimper reached his ears all of his other thoughts left his head. In a split second he went from dwelling on how long he might be gone from his newest companion and where he would begin to look for his brother to only focusing on devouring all of her. A low growl rumbled in his chest and he was quick to give into her urging.

-fade to black and back in-

He shook out his coat as he got back to his paws, gently removing himself from where he was curled around Isolde's form. He had led her back into the den afterward, not quite ready to part from her yet. But, he knew that his brother's trail was getting colder by the minute so after a while he forced himself to get up. He nuzzled her cheek and told her softly, "Keep yourself safe. I'll find you again soon." He dared anyone to hurt a single hair on her body. He pulled himself away then, slipping out of the den and disappearing into the darkness to hunt his wayward brother down.

"Talk" "You" Think