
Let's talk business



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
11-30-2015, 12:47 AM

Amber gaze watched with open curiosity when he confirmed he did call for her. A nod of her own was made, a silent answer to his mentioning her paws full and whatnot. Now that Newol couldn't be around, she really did have her paws full...especially since they were.old enough to go out and explore, save for two of her pups who seemed to be ill. Perhaps it was an omen of sorts...maybe life was taking something away after having just gotten something right. "They are a handful now that they've begun to wander outside of the den. It' first litter, I'm not really sure how I'm going to manage alone.." That last part was more to herself then to him, her words trailing off as she glanced at her paws.

As the north winds blew against them, she wondered how Newol must be feeling. He hadn't even shown up at the she was unsure what their fate was. Sure he was there when the kids were born, but after that? She was getting annoyed with his constant disappearing act. And it wasn't fair. Maybe this was for the best. Maybe he would decide which world he wanted to be in. Exclusively to her...or among Surreal's kin. She would not be second choice. That wasn't how love worked. You're either in it, or you're not. There was no in between.

Her gaze lifted back to meet Valentine's as he spoke, her ears perking forward as her look showed interest and thought. She remembered the talk they had when the first met, and although it was all so sudden and the way he had simply chosen to challenge, she couldn't hold that against him. Honestly, she wasn't mad or upset about it really. Sonticus...was not the place she could truly shine. She enjoyed helping, but she usually helped loners who were coming by to ask questions, and Arian had always gone off to make decisions without consulting her, even though that's what the beta ranks entailed. She had been frustrated there, but here? Maybe it was her opportunity.

She was thoughtful for a moment, thinking about what it was she wanted to do and how she would do it now with her new family. Valentine had been open to helping her move them after the challenge, perhaps he or someone would be willing to help here as well. Of course. She would be picky with who it was...she refused to leave them in the care of someone she didn't trust. It was her first litter, they would be raised right. And if anyone hurt them or mistreated them, she would be on them like a hyena on a carcass. "I feel that I am ready. My children are old enough to be without me for a time, and I would like to start showing that I am capable. I am also sure I can learn about the pack as I go." Now her question was...what did She want to do? She was sure it would be discussed today. She had an idea already, and hopefully it would be something she could apply here, that she didn't really get the chance to apply to in her former pack.


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