
Those lips and your brown eyes


11-29-2015, 12:08 AM

He had begun to loose count of the days. It wasn't until the air began to get colder and suddenly their was snow on the ground that it registered in his mind how long he had been searching. The events of their past had made him incredibly attached to his brother and now that he couldn't find him it was putting him more and more on edge. He went nights without sleeping and his paws were worn and cracked from walking for hours without stopping. He was almost positive that he had covered every inch of this continent, but Senca was still nowhere to be found. He forced himself to stop for a moment, his muscles aching from use and tense with stress. He had to give it up, he knew that. He wasn't exactly sane, but he certainly wasn't stupid.

Isolde's warm, brown eyes and gentle curves came to his mind and it was like a switch flipped in his mind. She was his new goal, one that was hopefully much more attainable than his wayward brother. He reoriented himself and began heading toward the place where he had left her, hoping that if nothing else he could at least get a starting point to go off of to start his new search. He hadn't explicitly told her to wait there for him since he hadn't been sure how long he would be gone, but perhaps she had lingered in the area or at least came to check and see if he had returned. Gethin honestly wondered if she really even wanted him to return to her or if she had given up on waiting on him.

As he neared the woods where he had last been with his spotted queen a painfully familiar yet slightly different scent reached him. A mix of relief, realization, and interest all washed over him at once and he hurried toward her scent, dark paws carrying him at a steady but insistent trot. His steps slowed when he spotted her, slowing till he was moving at a slow walk toward her. His ruby gaze traced over every inch of her and it wasn't till then that he realized just how much he had missed her in the time that he had been gone. "Isolde," he rasped quietly, his voice slightly rough from lack of use. He would try to press his face into the side of her neck and nuzzle into her neck and shoulder if she would let him.

"Talk" "You" Think