
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



7 Years

11-29-2015, 10:20 AM
Lillianna's posture would not change as she awaited a response - and it was not long before she got one. From Integra. Her gaze switched to the woman. "I shouldn't certainly hope not. That was all you," she answered the woman smoothly; she had no desire to take credit for the Imperium woman's accomplishment - none at all. The messenger girl would smirk at Integra's words; she'd be surprised if those didn't rile the creature in front of her up.

That smirk would drop when a certain brown figure would zip up, and her ears would slowly pull back. Starling. Her emotions were mixed, right now, regarding him. After what happened in the siege meeting... but he was her friend. And then he spoke. Her ears flattened even more, lips beginning to pull back at his actions. How dare he? Did he think her incapable of a fight? Did he think her unable to defend herself? True, she had been unable to back when her face was maimed, but during the siege she handled herself well enough, even if she got... a little assistance from Imperium. He'd glance at her... she'd recognize the look, and he spoke. She did not know what he said, but she knew the tone: it as almost a... pleading tone, or so it seemed to her.

She was about to step up herself, figuratively, when Enigma responded... not caring about the fact his balls were gone? Him wanting to attack her anyways? What sense did that make? It made none, to Lillianna - why the hell was she a target? She did nothing to the male. He completely ignored everything else that Lillianna and Integra had said; was he deaf too? Selective hearing, of course. And apparently he had an issue with her. As if that wasn't apparent. Snorting, she eyed the male. "And what glorious thing did I do that made you so pissed off at me when Integra here took your very manhood?" Her tone was almost degrading; none of this made sense at all - no rhyme, nor reason.
Note: Lillie has scars over her right eye and down her cheek. She also has scars under her chin and on her jaw. Her tables and art will most likely not reflect this. Unless it is specified otherwise, assume Lillianna is accompanied by her companion.