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Oh Look Its a Contest!



7 Years
11-29-2015, 12:28 PM (This post was last modified: 11-30-2015, 04:50 PM by Surreal.)
Alpha: Surreal Adravendi
Proposed name: Celestial
Proposed color: #ab9db2
Proposed lands: Vericona Plains, Wolfpaw Lake

Why You Should Vote for Me: I suck at sales pitches, but here we go.Cue the soundtrack, guys!

Celestial has had not just months of thought and effort going into its creation, but years. Since the loss of Valhalla's challenge, I, and Surreal, have been plotting and planning since before I left TN to come home. It's taken four versions, plus a little tweaking just now to fix a few errors I missed in spelling, to be satisfied with a rank layout, names, and descriptions.

I suppose what may make it unique is that it's bringing back Valhalla, but under firmer leadership. Surreal wishes to emulate both her mother and Cairo Adravendi during the strongest periods of their reign, as well as her adoptive sisters, Chrysanthe and Epiphron.

I hope to be active toward the other packs, hold many gatherings among them, and hopefully help boost activity for them as well as Celestial.

Plus we have cookies. Come to the dark side. Surreal is waiting.


Tier 1 Ranks Contents List: Archangel - Right Wing - Consort
Tier 1 Rank: Archangel
Description: The Leader of the pack. This wolf’s word is final. They must be versed in the Old Tongue (Irish Gaelic). They must be well versed in politics, and be available to the pack at all times. The Pack comes first for this wolf, before all personal happiness. Meetings called by this wolf are mandatory.

Tier 1 Rank: Right Wing
Description: This wolf is the secondary Alpha, essentially. This wolf does not step beyond platonic boundaries with the Archangel. He or she is there to help lead the pack, may call meetings in the event that the Archangel is unable to do so, and can answer Pack Challenges in the Archangel’s place if the Archangel is unable to meet the call. This wolf can accept new members, give out punishment where needed, and promotions. (As the Secondary Alpha, this character must make up at least four of the Mandatory ten Alpha Pair post requirements per week.)

Tier 1 Rank: Consort
Description: This is the mate of the Archangel. The bearer or sire of the Archangel’s children. The Consort has the authority to test new members and accept them if they prove worthy, promote or demote members, and call meetings. While the Right Wing is the Archangel’s Alpha support, the Consort is the Archangel's emotional support. The Consort is the wolf who has the greatest privilege; that of being the Archangel's most trusted confidante. The Consort is privy to all the closest secrets of the Archangel; all the Archangel’s fears, worries, hopes, and dreams. The Consort is expected to be loyal to Archangel and pack to the utmost. And while the Consort is not the secondary Alpha, she or he is still as much a leader as the Alphas. (As a Tier 1 member, this character must have at least 4 posts per OoC week)


Tier 2 Ranks Contents List:  Shieldmaiden - Shieldknight - Future
*Note, The Shieldmaiden and Shieldknight are equal in rank. Also, if they happen to become  mates, their firstborn may inherit the Beta rank. They must also have won at least four spars or fights to obtain this position in the pack.

Tier 2 Rank: Shieldknight
Description The Male Beta. Both Betas are the secondary heads of the pack under the Alphas and the Consort. They have many of the same powers: They may call meetings in the event that the Leaders are unable, or at the behest of the Leaders. They may accept new members who have passed the joining test. They may not, however, give rank adjustments beyond the level of Tier 3, but may suggest their choice of Apprentice to carry on the Beta line. However, the Alphas have the final say of whom will train as the next Beta. *See note above under the list.

Tier 2 Rank: Shieldmaiden
Description:  The Female Beta. Both Betas are the secondary heads of the pack under the Alphas and the Consort. They have many of the same powers: They may call meetings in the event that the Leaders are unable, or at the behest of the Leaders. They may accept new members who have passed the joining test. They may not, however, give rank adjustments beyond the level of Tier 3, but may suggest their choice of Apprentice to carry on the Beta line. However, the Alphas have the final say of whom will train as the next Beta. *See note above under the list.

Tier 2 Rank: Future
Description:  Quite obviously, this is the Heir of the Archangel and Consort. This can be male or female, and will undergo Leadership training as soon as they are able to learn. They are taught politics, manners, and the Old Tongue, as well as speech skills. They are also encouraged to learn any foreign language they encounter.  They are Required to learn every skill; hunting, fighting, and healing, and study in politics and pack relations. They may not call official meetings, but may call small pseudo-meetings to practice their leadership skills. They may not accept new members, but may seek out wolves that may be an asset to the pack and bring them to a secure meeting place to meet with the Archangel, Right Wing, and Consort.


Tier 3 Ranks Contents List: Master Legionary - Master Healer - Master Hunter - Harbinger
*Note: The Masters and Harbinger are all Equal in Rank.

Tier 3 Rank: Master Healer
Description: The two wolves most skilled in the Craft of Healing. They must be active, keep their dens stocked with herbs, and continue to expand their knowledge of the Craft as often as possible. They are required to hold Healer based meetings once every OOC month.

Tier 3 Rank: Master Legionary
Description: The two most skilled warriors (Must have won at least three spars), in charge of keeping the rest of the warriors trained, fit, and active. They must hold Two Fight training meetings a real life month in which all warriors have arrived and participated. They are to join the Leaders and Betas in patrols, morning and evening (Not all of these must be threaded; perhaps a patrol thread per month, otherwise we can assume they have joined these patrols each Evening, and Morning.) and must make patrols with each other during the day. (A thread between the two per two real life weeks).

Tier 3 Rank: Master Hunter  
Description: The two most skilled hunters in the Pack, in charge of ensuring the pack stays fed, and arranging hunts. They are required to train those wishing to become hunters, and hold hunts twice a month.

Tier 3 Rank: Harbinger
Description: The masters of the Emissaries. They are in charge of those of the pack designated as messengers. As Harbingers, they are the wolves entrusted to carry the most important messages to allied packs if the Leaders are unable to go themselves. They must embark on endurance runs once a month, and lead the Emissaries on a group endurance run every two months.


Tier 4 Ranks Contents List:  Legionary - Healer - Hunter - Emissary

Tier 4 Rank:  Legionary
Description: The warriors in the pack. These wolves are expected to stay fit, train hard, and attend any and all battle training sessions, barring illness or injury. They are expected to uphold the values of the pack, to keep their noses clean with rogues and other packs, and to assist in battles and sieges.

Tier 4 Rank: Healer
Description: The healers and healers in training of the pack. They are expected to help the Lead Healers of the pack in matters of the packs health, be present at all healer meetings and lessons,and to make sure the pack is well stocked with medical plants.

Tier 4 Rank: Hunter
Description: They are the hunters in the pack; expected to play out their duty as providers for the pack. They must be able to work as a team during a hunt, and be just as capable of taking down smaller prey on their own. They are expected to attend and and all group hunting lessons and hunter meetings.

Tier 4 Rank: Emissary
Description: These are the messengers of the pack. They are tasked with bringing messages to various members of the pack or taking messages to allied packs, especially in the event of a siege. They must be agile, swift, and have great stamina, and a very sharp memory. They must train daily to keep fit; this includes navigating areas outside of the pack borders to such places as mountainous terrain, and making endurance runs.


Tier 5 Ranks Contents List:  Ancestor - Mother - Unit - Apprentice - Progeny

Tier 5 Rank: Ancestor
Description: The Elders are wolves who, even though they are no longer able to perform the duties of the younger wolves, are still to be treated with the highest respect. They are the ones with the wisdom to pass down, so listen to their stories, and learn. They may still take on pupils to teach things such as politics, manners, healing techniques, and history. Usually wolves of the age of eight - ten.

Tier 5 Rank: Mother
Description: Pregnant or nursing females. These wolves are to be respected, and fed first after a large hunt. Even when a large hunt has not occurred, hunters are to provide for the females who have no mates, and those who are mated to a female carrying their pups are expected to take full responsibility for that female’s meals, as well as her protection.

Tier 5 Rank:  Unit
Description: The members with no particular rank, or have just been accepted into the pack. They are expected to work hard to move up in the pack and to be an asset to the pack, rather than being just freeloading mouths to feed. Whether it’s helping provide for the pack, or dabbling in fighting or healer training, they are to make themselves useful.

Tier 5 Rank: Apprentice
Description: Youths who have reached a year in age and are ready to train beyond the basics in the skills needed to be an asset to the pack, or to survive if they decide that life beyond the borders calls their names. They are expected to train and study hard, be a useful individual in the pack, and abide by the laws of the pack.

Tier 5 Rank:  Progeny
Description: The children of the pack. They must be treated with love, cherished,  protected, and yes, disciplined. They are to be taught about manners, pack laws, and of course, how to speak, as well as baby lessons for hunting, healing, and fighting. The parents are, in main, the ones most responsible for their care, and if the care is found lacking, or the parents do not want the children, or are killed during a hunt, battle, or illness, The Leaders will either adopt them, or give them to a mother who will take the best care possible of them. Basic training begins at three months of age.


Tier 6 Ranks Contents List: Punished - Prisoner

Tier 6 Rank: Punished
Description: The ones who have erred. These are wolves who have broken a rule, slacked in their duties, or erred in other ways. They may have a chance to redeem themselves by working hard, and completing punishing tasks. Those who do not, will be thrown from the pack. Another term for these wolves is ‘Omega’.

Tier 6 Rank: Prisoner
Description: The Prisoners of a war, or wolves who have trespassed and done harm to the pack. They will be held in a remote location, well away from the inner pack territory, and will be held for up to a season, unless they win a fight to free themselves and win. Good behavior merits earlier release. Just don’t come back.  


Tier 7 Ranks Contents List: Deserter - Turncoat

Tier 7 Rank: Deserter
Description: Those who have up and left the pack, either on bad terms, or without any warning or permission from the Archangel. These wolves are to be attacked if encountered anywhere near the pack, and driven away.

Tier 7 Rank: Turncoat
Description: These are wolves who have not left the pack, but have passed inside information willingly to any packs Celestial is at war with, thus enabling harm to Celestial in doing so. If found out, these wolves will be punished through maiming, particularly the damaging of the vocal chords, full blinding, or removal of the tongue; the tools of deceit. Once maimed, they are banished from the pack, and added to a list announced to the pack on which any wolves that must be attacked on sight reside.


Tier 8 Ranks Contents List: Inactive

Tier 8 Rank: Inactive
Description: Those who have gone dormant, have been set inactive, or whom’s players have gone on hiatus. Purely an OOC rank. Will have a real life grace period of two weeks before characters in this rank are removed from the Pack.



-:One:- “Everything has a Price.” The Archangels word is the Law, in this pack. You would do well to heed that word. The Archangel is at liberty to discipline those who break pack Laws. The Archangel may also add, change, or remove laws as he or she sees fit, so pay attention at meetings; any changes will be brought up there, as well as reasons for the changes.

-:Two:-  “Your Presence is formally Requested.” All Pack Meetings called by the Archangel, Right Wing, Consort, or Betas, are mandatory. Unless you are too ill to leave the den, or too young to leave it, you must answer the call and gather at the Meeting place. This is not optional, and those who miss meetings without a good excuse will be demoted, and if the lax behavior continues, will be forced from the pack and asked never to return unless they can do better than before. Second chances will be rare.

-:Three:- “Don’t start a Pissing Contest unless you’ve got what it takes.” Challenges for higher ranks up to Tier 2, while not un-encouraged, should be well thought over, and made with good reasons behind them; not for personal gain or personal vendettas. Challenging for ranks above Tier 2 will not be allowed. The Archangel and Right Wing must be made aware prior to the Challenge, and be present at all rank challenges, or the outcome will be considered irrelevant. The Challenger must have reached the requirements needed for the rank they wish to fight for.

-:Four:- “STAY OUT OF MY TERRITORY!” Trespassers who ignore the territory borders will be met with force, and possibly maimed, should they show any further disrespect to the pack, or refuse to leave when told. Respect the borders, or reap the consequences. If you don’t want to come away missing a limb, stay out of the Territory, and respect those who greet you at the borders.

-:Five:- “Romance. Passion. Sex.” Taking mates from outside the Pack isn’t discouraged, nor is it particularly encouraged, either. Permission must be granted by the Archangel and Right Wing before a litter may be conceived, and any pups birthed from a rogue will belong to the Pack until they reach one Year of age. Those who take a mate and birth a litter without seeking this permission will be dealt a punishment, and possibly castrated. Those who do the aforementioned anyways after being told no, will be castrated, demoted to Punished rank, and their litter will be taken from them, to be raised by the Archangel and Consort, or another willing high ranked pair. You have been warned.

-:Six:- “Young, Impressionable Minds.” Basic baby training for Progeny must begin at three months of age. These lessons must include healing, fighting, and hunting, as well as continuing lessons of speech and manners, (which should have begun as soon as the puppies can see, hear, walk and talk), and the laws of the pack. Once the child has reached a year, more advanced training must be studied and adhered to until they finish their training in all paths, or have reached two years of age and have moved up in the pack.

-:Seven:- “There is no substitute for hard work” All Unit members of the pack are expected to pitch in and pull their weight, whether it means helping keep the pack fed, gathering herbs with the healers, or helping train the Apprentices in fighting. Work hard for the betterment of the pack, or get out. Hard work will be rewarded with promotions, while slacking will be punished by demotion, or banishment from the pack.

-:Eight:- “Keep in touch.” All members are to inform the Archangel, Right Wing, Consort, or Betas when they intend to leave the pack borders; even if it’s only for a few hours. Those with high ranks must especially adhere to this law. Those who neglect this Law will be punished, either through demotion, or banishment from the pack if the behavior continues.

-:Nine:- ”Don’t turn your back on us.” Leaving Celestial to find something new, or feel that Celestial is not the place for you is all well and good; but if a wolf leaves the pack without informing the Archangel and gaining permission from the Archangel, they will be considered a Deserter, and will be attacked on sight should they set a paw over the territory border again as though they still lived there. Leaving is okay; just ask first.

-:Ten:- ”Prove yourself worthy. Wolves wishing to join Celestial must undergo a test to judge their worth and ability. Hunters must catch a prey animal (Say a hare) in order to prove that they can hunt. Healers must correctly solve an illness on an imaginary patient. And Those wishing to join as a Legionary (Warrior) must spar with one of Celestial’s better fighters. (If the hopeful loses by more than ten points, he or she will be refused. The hopeful will be taken in as a Unit to undergo training if they show promise by losing by less than ten points. If the hopeful wins the joining spar, however, they will be allowed in and immediately be awarded the rank of Legionary.)

-:Eleven:- “Keep our secrets secret, and your lips sealed.” In times of war, wolves of Celestial will be required to keep their heads about them when speaking to strangers; one never knows exactly whom they are truly speaking to. Keep facts and information that would be useful to an enemy pack to yourself, or risk becoming an accessory to the harming of Celestial. Those who willingly spout inside information to enemies will be dealt with in a severe manner; maiming via removal of the tongue, damaging of the vocal chords, and full blinding of the eyes are all likely outcomes of treachery. (Tongue removal and vocal cord damaging will of course have to be agreed to OOC)

-:Twelve:- “We are One. We are Many.” Pack members are expected to interact with one another, and make friends within the pack. Whether it’s spending time together while gathering herbs, or playing a game, or hunting the next pack meal, the Archangel wishes for Celestial to be a seamless, working unit of companionship, camaraderie, and close friendship. While Meetings are a mandatory thing for the Archangel and High ranks to share any news of changed rules, upcoming hunts, training sessions, and other small meetings within the pack, this is also a chance to spend time with the pack as a whole. Use it wisely. The pack is also expected to get along, and any who cause trouble will be dealt with.