
Let Love Blossom


04-15-2013, 04:30 PM
Summer was here as it was the season that Thane and Ookami had been waiting for. The black and gray brute stood under a tree sheltered by the shade, His thick black fur wasn?t really on his side with the heat. The cicadas in the trees all around made their songs as the Sun beat down. It was very hot, but a beautiful day nonetheless. Thane sat on his haunches and set his aqua blue gaze on the horizon before him; he was on a small hill under the only tree on top of it. Before him was the forest which seemed to surround the hill. This place was like a secluded area; there were no other wolves in sight so the brute had this wonderful gaze all to himself.

But why be greedy; why not share this?this gift. So Thane lifted his muzzle to the air and called for his mate. She would enjoy this view; they both would together. The wolf stood there on the small hill shaded by the single tree waiting for his beloved to appear.

Birds flew by as they let out their songs of joy; the birds reminded him of Cyril. Where was that giant bird? A small chuckle escaped Thane?s lips as he remembered where Cyril was. He had grown hungry once again and wanted to go on a hunt; so the male had let his bird have the day off from following him everywhere. Though it was a good thing he and Ookami would have some time to themselves without Cyril budding in; he still felt as if that eagle was a part of him. Yet the wolf would not feel as alone when his beloved arrived.