
All at once the crowd began to sing



5 Years
11-30-2015, 01:38 AM

Astrea padded up to him as his voice filled the air. She could hear the undertone of guilt and that made her sad. She had never relied on him like Selini did, so she understood why he spent more time with her, they where two sides of one coin, she just happened to be the light that sheared their space. She does not feel the connection the two did, it was just jealousy that made her the outcast of the three. She wanted what they had with them both and failed to see that she had something different and just as good. Her internal light shone bright only because they where happy and together, but now she could see the guilt and loneliness that seemed to pledge all the Elementas siblings. "Sol, no guilt. I am happy, and understand the pull that you and Selini share. I understand. I never wanted to get between the two of you." She gave him a sad smile. "You feel lost without her do you not?" As she mused they where two sides of the same coin, one and the same, when one half was gone it must feel the same as losing a part of themselves. "But even though I am not your other half I am here whenever you need me. Except when I go off on a adventure to get myself together." Astrea laughed at that point, making a joke about herself.

The Star Dreamer knew now that her urge to be close to the twins was not because she needed them like they needed each other, no she needed the stable relationship so that she could grow into the light that lived in her, and frankly they did that, they made a safe relationship between them, a place where Astrea could learn to understand who she was in those early days. Things only got awkward between the three when Astrea seemed to have enough of herself figured out and missed the belonging she felt before with them. Something she knew Sol needed to figure out.

"Sol, I have learned that life is full of challenges, some big and others small. Up until this moment you always had Selini to help you with those challenges, but now that she is gone this is a challenge within itself. You find that with her you had a focus for only her, but now you find yourself reaching out to those around you, those who always been there for you." She hummed softly as she tilted her head, knowing she may be spot on with her assumption or she could be so wrong... "Maybe that is what needs to be taken from this experience, that even when your other half is not here you still have others to lean on. You will be stronger and so will she... As I have become."

She then let her gaze drift down the path that lead to the dens. Her thoughts going to Volt. She had switched from understanding sister to the Star Guide she was. "And with that know that you can give strength to those who need it most. All three of us are cut from the same cloth brother, we each got our own personality that aids in our place in the family.I happen to get the silent, understand part of that cloth. Selini got the charming, cunning part. But you brother got the strong caring part. You where always the one to make sure me and Selini got along. Maybe you need to take that skill and use it for the rest of the family, be that caring presence when they need it."