
On With The Show! {Borealis Meeting}


11-30-2015, 12:42 PM

They had moved, and with their move came new scents. New wolves to interact with, to listen to, to perhaps even befriend. Akemi would move with purpose towards the meeting, her scarred body still aching from the fight that she shared with Imperium's alpha. Valentine was a hard hitter, but despite that Akemi had still tried to fight him. The femme was proud of that at least. She had lasted, even though their alpha had fallen quickly. It showed that Akemi still had spirit, still had a strong will, even if no one else thought so.

Her eye would practically pop out of her head the moment she saw the rainbow female. What on earth? What a strange femme! Akemi would try to avoid gawking by looking over to Cypress, tilting her head respectfully to him. "Cypress... Good to see you again." She could still see the "fight" between him and Valen. She could hear the breaking of the man's teeth. It had been... hard to watch. No doubt the man's pride was shattered.

Akemi would seat herself, hoping that Ravine would soon be here. She needed him by her side. He always made her feel better, and no doubt she had given him quite the scare when fighting Valentine. She'd need to make it up to him later.
