
Do you got a first-aid kit handy?



9 Years
Athena I
11-30-2015, 01:55 PM

ooc: Saying this is set a few days after the death match. Gonna keep the details vauge, but Arian will be dead so ya know lol

His emotions still felt so raw. He didn't really know how to process what all had happened in the last couple of weeks. He went from concerned and worried over Arian's maiming and Glacier's troubles over their lost pup to over joyed from his and Svetlana's wedding, and then watching Arian's death match... He trudged along the border of Fiori, finishing up yet another patrol. He always lingered a little longer along the border that he used to share with Arian's pack, but he was noticing that their borders were fading... His mismatched ears folded back against his skull. Her husband must have moved the pack again. He sighed and a frown crossed his face. Arian's request for him to watch after her children if anything were to happen to her and Cypress still rung loud and clear in his ears. He had hoped that he could do so from Fiori since their pack had been right next door, but now that their pack had moved he wasn't sure what he should do.

With the patrol done he turned and headed toward the den he shared with Svetlana and Korrin, his eyes fixed on the ground and his ears pinned back. He wished he could rewind time to before any of this had happened. The only good thing that had happened in recent memory was his relationship with Svetlana. That was what was lingering in his mind as he came up to their den, lifting his eyes from the ground so that his blue gaze landed on her form. He stopped several feet from her and just admired her for a moment. The longer he watched her the more the smile grew on his lips. He finally made his paws move again and came over to her. He went to nuzzle his face into her scruff with a sigh. The lump in his throat was heavy and painful. He hadn't cried since Arian's death. He was trying his hardest not to, but it was getting harder by the day.

"Talk" "You" Think