
Tik toc tik toc (DEATH MATCH)



7 Years
11-30-2015, 06:43 PM

A cry for battle, for death! It electrified his flesh and pumped him with excitement. He hadn’t witnessed any kind of death in far too long, and craved it like a drug. He didn’t care who it was; he didn’t know the voice, and probably wouldn’t know anybody participating or watching. He just wanted to see blood spill – wanted to devour the miracle of death with his pale vision. And so, immediately ripped from his previous occupation, the imp skittered off towards the origin of the call with high hopes and a tingling sense of anxiety – he didn’t want to miss it.

It took him a little while to arrive, but he found it alright. He could tell that that was it from far away. Several wolves had gathered, and the cacophony of dissent danced in the air. The fiend’s lips stretched back, showing his teeth in a shaky grin that wasn’t quite a grin. He felt saliva creep up under his tongue, anticipating. With a short and bouncing gait, he approached, stretching his neck and twisting his ears to the side as he tried to pry his stare through the other onlookers. He was surprised that the combatants seemed… familiar. Not that he knew them, he had just seen them around before. He gasped softly as he paused on the outskirts of the audience, momentarily ignoring the side conversations he’d usually be dipping into. One of the fighters was that really cool bloody wolf! The other was the crippled dummy who had snapped at him when the ground had been eating that old man. Sudden sadistic delight leapt up in his chest, and his empty grin filled with joy. ”Dee-vour her!” he cheered shrilly, feeling he was doing his part to support. His tail began to sway back and forth – he couldn’t help it! It was just so exciting! ”Loser is dinner,” he mumbled to himself, his glassy stare unmoving from the scene, unblinking in fear of missing something.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.