
I got a scar I can talk about


11-30-2015, 10:08 PM

There was something about wandering that had just struck his fancy. He had found Shiki again, and found that taking care of him was a rather... Enjoyable task. The other boy was lovely on the eyes, and Thanatos found his heart growing for him more and more. Poe, the raven, was turning out to be an excellent source of company for the two of them. Thanatos was thankful for his presence. His eyes in the skies were sharp, and he was able to act much faster than most beasts. In hunts he was Thany’s closest partner.

Above him now the raven flew, but Thany’s attention was focused more-so on finding whatever it was he was looking for. He knew it was food, but he just wasn’t sure what was on the menu today. Especially here, at this place. He had ventured further south than he’d meant to but that was alright. Shiki knew he’d return.

A familiar face would steal Thanatos’ attention. In the distance she was, looking around it seemed. He remembered her -- Phoebe’s girl. He would begin to wag his tail slowly, picking up pace ever so slightly. Though it was still a more lumbering pace then most would have taken. That was just Thany for you, however.

Poe would move to his side, noticing how his attention seemed to shift to the young woman. “Should I go get her attention?” He would caw. Without a word Thanatos would give a nod of his head.

With that Poe would wing back to the skies, flying on ahead to meet the silver eyed girl. He would move down before her, flapping his wings to keep himself steady as he looked at her. “Hera!” The bird cried, for her remembered her. “Thanatos wishes to speak with you.”

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