
I got a scar I can talk about


11-30-2015, 11:14 PM

Hera had bent her head to peer at some other strange looking object in the snow when suddenly she heard what sounding like the beating of birds wings. Curious, she lifted her head, only to see a raven swooping in toward her. She jumped back with surprise, her silver eyes wide and pale ears folding back against her skull. It wasn't until the bird spoke her name that the puzzle pieces clicked in her head. She remembered the bird now, saying his name in response to him saying hers quizzically. "Poe?!"

He explained that Thanatos wanted to talk to her and she blinked before turning her head to see the brown and white male making his way toward her slowly but surely. She grinned and chuckled lightly. Leave it to Thanatos. He was the most excitable excited wolf she had ever met. "Thany!" she called happily, turning to trot over to him, her tail wagging happily behind her. She couldn't say that she had been terribly close to him before when they lived in the pack together, but she had nothing but fond memories of him so she of course was happy to see him. He was also the first family member she had seen in a very long time so that had something to do with it to. "I'm so glad to see you! How have you been?" she asked as she caught up to him, her tail still wagging as her silver eyes met his green gaze.

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