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2 Years
Extra large
12-01-2015, 03:38 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2015, 11:52 AM by Bacchus.)

Alpha: Bacchus Armada
Proposed name: Hovan
Proposed color: #264c73
Proposed lands: The Marble Wash and SS Antiox

Why You Should Vote for Me: We needs the dark packs! I also really miss having a pack of my own. With busy season drawing to a close i have plenty of time for alpha posts and all the fun that comes with that. While Hoven as it is now is rather new I've been thinking about a medieval-kingly like pack structure for a good long while. Plus, who doesn't like Armada-run packs ;D

Overview: Hoven will be rather militaristic, they aren't incredibly interested in making friends but they will be more than eager for trade. Created mostly to house those who live on the darker side Hoven will not be for the faint of heart as most of the morality has left the hearts of its wolves only the King's laws hold them from a life of chaos. A gathering of the superior race Hoven strives to attain greatness so that they may pass along that excellence to the next generation.


Tier 1 Rank: King (1) (Alpha)
Description: The number one wolf, they have the final say in every decision within the pack's structure.

Tier 1 Rank: Counselor (1) (2nd Alpha)
Description: Hoven's second in command, this wolf is the most highly trusted by the King. His opinion will be held close to the same esteem as the King's himself. When the King is unavailable this wolf has the authorization to accept new members (By claim or otherwise), promote and demote ranks, punish existing members, but may not change any decision previously made by the alpha. May free slaves. (May be Challenged for or inherited by a Lord/Lady)

Tier 1 Rank: Queen (1)
Description: The wife of the King, this wolf will be expected to be strong in both mind and body with incredible loyalty. Also very highly trusted by the King she is expected to be exclusive with the King. Her opinion is highly valued and she is expected to produce the next heir. She may accept new members and demote members, may not free any slaves but her own.  (May not be challenged for)

Tier 2 Rank: Grand Prince/Princess (1)
Description: The chosen of the King's children to take over the King's position when he is no longer able to lead, steps down, or dies. Much is expected of them especially loyalty to the crown, impeccable manners, and grace. Those that fail to meet these high standards will be stripped of their Royal name. This rank is meant for learning, and does not hold the full responsibility of a tier 1 rank. (May be challenged for by offspring of the king and queen however the rank will default to the oldest male heir.)

Tier 2 Rank: General (2)
Description: The highest ranking fighters within the pack this wolf is not only experienced in battle, but strategy as well. This wolf needs a cunning mind, impressive battle moves, and complete loyalty. These wolves oversee the training of Knights and occasionally promising Soldiers. May accept, promote, and demote new and existing embers. May not free slaves. (May be challenged for by Knights or inherited by a Lord/Lady)

Tier 3 Rank: Judge (∞)
Description: This rank may only be attained by wolves over the age of 7. As you are expected to perform a life-time of service to your king you may expect a comfy retirement (If you can get there with out dying) with the duty of judging the prisoners and aiding the King with your opinion. (May not be challenged for and may be abstained from until later years if you wish to keep your previous rank.)

Tier 3 Rank: Field Master (1)
Description: Lead hunter, oversees pack hunts, hunt training, and pup hunting lessons. (May be challenged for by all or inherited by a Lord/Lady)

Tier 3 Rank: Knight (∞)
Description: The experienced fighters within the pack, these wolves have proven themselves through battle and training. These wolves are expected to train most of the soldiers as well as the King's offspring. (May be challenged for by proving yourself against a current Knight or being tested by a General.)

Tier 3 Rank: Shaman (1)
Description: The lead healer, the Shaman will oversee all healers trainings and will be the only wolf (with the possible exception of the Counselor or Queen) to heal the King's wounds. An incredible amount of trust is placed on this rank. This wolf should be an expert in their craft covering all fields of medicine. (May be challenged for, however it will be non-combatant.)

Tier 3 Rank: Prince/Princess (∞)
Description: The legitimate offspring of the King, their mother will always have been a queen. These wolves may challenge each other for the future crown, but if no challenge erupts the crown will default to the oldest male heir. The offspring of the King are expected to learn as much as they can from the tier 3 ranks starting when they can leave the den. As they age they are expected to join in the tasks of their teachers until they ascend to a higher rank. Much is expected of them especially loyalty to the crown, impeccable manners, and grace. Those that fail to meet these high standards will be stripped of their Royal name and potentially be maimed. (May not be challenged for)

Tier 4 Rank: Lord/Lady (∞)
Description: The offspring of wolves ranking tier 3 and higher, the standards they are held to are very much similar to that of a prince or princess. Their actions are held against their parent's name and a similar punishment will be given to a Lord or Lady that misbehaves as would be given to a Prince or Princess. (May not be Challenged for.)

Tier 4 Rank: Handmaiden/Servant (∞)
Description: These wolves work closely beside the tier 3 ranks. They are expected to do every task asked of them by wolves of ranks higher than they. Frequently held by freed slaves. This rank puts you in close contact with higher ranking wolves, after building a relationship with those you serve it is very likely to be promoted into more trusted positions. (May be challenged for by members and slaves)

Tier 4 Rank: Soldier (∞)
Description: The main body of Hoven's army, these wolves know how to battle but usually lack in experience. They are expected to train with knights as well as begin training with the Adolescents. (May be challenged for)

Tier 4 Rank: Priest/Priestess (∞)
Description: The healers of the pack, they are expected to train closely with the Shaman and learn every aspect of healing, however they may choose a specific area of expertise. (Non-combatant challenge)

Tier 4 Rank: Paramour (∞)
Description: This rank is held by the King's concubines and mistresses. They are expected, like servants and handmaidens to do every task asked of them by tier 3 and higher wolves. When not fulfilling their primary duty they will be expected to persue their choice of field. (May not be challenged for)

Tier 5 Rank: Huntsman (∞)
Description: This is the citizen rank, all wolves yet to move up in the ladder will be expected to participate in hunting for their pack.

Tier 5 Rank: Adolescent (∞)
Description: The young of the pack that have yet to choose their rank. At 1 year old they should choose where it is they wish to study. Until then they are expected at all lessons.

Tier 6 Rank: Slave (∞)
Description: Those wolves taken as personal property, they are expected to stay within pack boundaries and to obey every command of their masters or higher ranking wolf. They are never to harm a member of Hoven and are able to be punished by any rank of wolf. Are expected to hunt for the pack. Will need to work hard or challenge for the right for freedom.

Tier 6 Rank: Prisoner (∞)
Description: Those captured by war, for hostage, or punishment they will be watched 24/7 and are expected to do nothing but sit and await their trial or release.

Tier 6 Rank: Exiled
Description: Not a real rank, but those who have not been killed after their transgression. Most often will be given a scar above the right eye to remind those of Hoven: this is an enemy.

Tier 7 Rank: Inactive
Description: OOC Rank

1. Loyalty to Your King: Complete and utter compliancy with your King is the first law. Obedience, compliance, and strength will earn you favor. Treason is the highest of offenses.

2. Protect the Pack: Protect the Pack's members, borders, and secrets with your life. Trespassers are to be claimed and maimed if you wish, no questions asked. You are expected to defend yourself but causing unauthorized chaos is strictly forbidden. If you find that Hoven is not to your liking you may leave whenever you wish, as long as you best the King (Or another approved wolf) in battle.

3. Respect and Honor is key: Your best behavior is always expected within the ranks of Hoven. While blood and chaos are a treat to be savored by all it is important to think and plan out the carnage beforehand. Any activity performed in the name of Hoven will be first approved by the King. You must own up to your actions, and if word is brought back to the King of bad behavior abroad you will receive trial. If found guilty you will receive punishment from the King and will be handed over to be dealt with by your accuser.

4. Marriage/Divorce: Often encouraged to produce legitimate heirs (the offspring of a Paramour or Slave are not considered legitimate heirs) it is not a requirement of the wolves that live within Hoven. Depending on rank a ceremony will be performed by the King himself, the Queen, or the Shaman. The offspring produced from these marriages will be born into the Lord/Lady rank. If a marriage has not been performed the pups will be placed in the Adolescent rank.
Most of these marriages will have been from arrangements intended mostly for the betterment and continuation of superior blood lines.
A divorce will be granted by the King only after a convincing argument from both parties is made. Previous offspring of the couple may keep or be stripped of their Lady/Lord rank depending on the decision of the highest ranking parent after the divorce is complete.

5. Slaves: May be claimed by tier 2 and above wolves, they may claim them for themselves, the whole pack, or another individual. They are to stay within the pack borders unless accompanied by their master. You have full say on the laws that they must live by and are expected to with hold the laws of the pack as well.

6. Challenges: Will be overseen and approved by the King, ultimately the choice is his own. Maims during the attempt will be allowed, however to the death is highly discouraged.

7. Training: Those who hold the Huntsman rank are expected to attend every lesson until they are promoted. Wolves between the age of six months and one year are also expected to attend these lessons until their field is chosen.
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