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Oh Look Its a Contest!



5 Years
Dire wolf
12-01-2015, 10:59 PM
Alpha: Amachi Mackury
Proposed name: Lockwood
Proposed color: #aa541e  - it’s a brownish color
Proposed lands: Kamui Delta, Sunset falls

Why You Should Vote for Me:
I really can’t give a definite reason why you should vote for me. I probably annoy a ton of you xD BUT I like sharing my idea’s and if you like em then why not! This pack is different in a way where it might look plain but I want to promote wolves interacting with each other within the pack to strengthen their skills. It’s mercenary/fighting type pack I know we have a few of those but I’ll just see how it goes. They also really like to fight - tournaments will be held regularly. I also hope to see more skill building(points ect.) earned from this pack. As well as a fun way to develop characters.

The kingdom on fire

“Shine Razor eyes, before the walls come down. Wilder than lions, louder than sound.” - Lockwood wolves are the image of physical strength. They take pride in their decisions and everyday lived is a new day given thanks for. To protect your own and along the way and take out a piece of life for yourself. They make it their mission to have wolves develop and grow, even if it takes a unit in order to do so. Potential is key - sloth is your enemy. Though the pack itself is not a place of haven, it is no perfect place on a high pedestal. Punishment is dealt and many wolves may find a darker set of life. Neither leaning left or right, but if you give the pack a bad name - they are ruthless in their nature. What you make of the pack itself, is entirely what you make of it.


Tier 1 Rank: Arkanbar
Description: The Arkanbar is commander and chief of the pack, the primary alpha and the what’s what. They make primary decisions - guide and persist on wolves in the pack. Their word is law, if you gain the Arkanbar’s respect you’re in for a nice life.

Tier 1 Rank: Nepher
Description: The Nepher is a year old heir to the throne. It does not have to be one of Arkanbar’s children. Any youngling that has caught the alpha’s eye and is seen to be a prime example of what the pack represents will be placed in this spot.

Tier 2 Rank: Trek
[b]Description: The lead beta, the Trek is the most trusted wolf to the Arkanbar. Is usually their mate - or otherwise a good friend. They can accept and deny members, and during the Arkanbar’s absence, sickness, or otherwise they can call meetings. They have the right to call training - and are trusted to be able to declare war or otherwise try to keep the peace. Essentially, they are the pack’s police officer.

Tier 2 Rank: Wicker
[b]Description: Lead healer, highly respected and expected to be helpful in all cases of herbs. They can call training of the healers and hold general lessons for the majority of the pack when needed. They are not to be considered weak, they make sure our children are born safely, and that we don’t die from our wounds.

Tier 2 Rank: Preto
[b]Description: The preto is also a commander, they can accept and deny members. However they are the back of the line beta’s. They have more authority than the Wicker but they also are in charge of pack hunts - and collective festivities when it comes to organizing them. In times of war, they are the entertainers and keep everyone’s minds at ease.

Tier 3 Rank: Nerma
Description: The official soldiers of the pack. They are fully trained and ready to be dispatched at any time. These wolves are the brute force of the pack, they are at the front lines and battle ready at any moment. They also have bid their loyalties to the Arkanbar.

Tier 3 Rank: Saer
Description: Healers among the pack, fully trained just like the Nerma. They can handle births as well as any healing needed. It’s also saying that they are fully trusted with the lives of the pack.

Tier 3 Rank: Flight
Description: Wolves who don’t do much fighting or healing but have proven their loyalty and worth to the pack. They can consist of hunters and messengers alike. Even those who are seasoned in the ways of intelligence or political matters. They are members who have claimed a permanent spot within the pack.

Tier 4 Rank: Sherva
Description: Soldiers in training, usually assigned to a Nerma(Nerma’s can have more than one Sherva). They have not yet pledged their loyalty but are wolves of all ages ready to be taught. Some wolves can stay in this position for all their lives, they aren’t sent to the front lines and usually are second resort.

Tier 4 Rank: Piol
Description: Healers in training, they are not allowed out on the field without a Saer with them. They can help with sickness and mild wounds within the pack lands. They are not allowed to heal outside wolves without permission of their superiors.

Tier 4 Rank: Ashes
Description: Wolves who are “flights” in training. Wolves who have decided to stick around in the pack but don’t fit in with the healers or fighters. This goes for wolves still trying to get their ropes in the pack. They hunt, and are expected to do any task asked of them if simple enough.

Tier 5 Rank: Sticks
Description: Pups under a year old, the youth of the pack. At two seasons old they are expected to attend regular training. The wolves of Lockwood will not be lazy nor weak.

Tier 5 Rank: Cross
Description: Cross are wolves within the pack but have not decided whether they are staying or not. This is the default rank upon joining as well - but is reserved for travellers in need of a place to stay for a few months. Not much is expected of them other than respect towards the pack members and the helping with taking care of pups and other tasks.

Tier 6 Rank: Ryker
Description: Prisoners, slaves, wolves who have broken the law and no longer have rights within the pack. They must stay in pack lands at all times and are susceptible to maims and other injuries if they do not do as they are told.

Tier 6 Rank: Frisk
Description: Deserters, wolves who have left after taking their vows or without permission at all. Attack on sight if seen near the territory.


01.Speak loud and clear, Do not mumble your words. As a member of the Lockwood pack you are representing strength. Everyone has one - and you should realize yours. Never speak without hesitation, otherwise it means you regret something you may be saying.

02.Participate, There better be a damn good excuse you stayed in the den for that event or meeting. Even if you’re sneezing up a storm everything is mandatory. If you aren't dying at least show up, watching is still learning.

03.Pull your weight and more, If you can handle yourself within the pack that’s great. However we thrive on unity, we are a pack and as it entails if you want to raise in the ranks. Show Lockwood what you can do for more than yourself. Ask not what the pack will do for you - how will you be involved in building a better future.

04.Punishment is swift, Breaking of the rules will lead you to a straight path to the Arkanbar. They decide the punishment - and it will fit the crime. Nothing is below Lockwood. Even public shaming - just keep your tail in line.

05.Protect our borders, Border patrols are to notify the higher ups of any wolves at the borders. Anyone can entertain a potential pack member, but has to wait for the appropriate rank to come and settle things. If said wolf is a hostile entity… go for the eyes.

06.Animal Impulses, Lockwood wolves are all about strengthening your skills. Who you fall in love with is in your own time - though it’s not suggested you go running around with other pack wolves. Should a female within Lockwood become pregnant - the pups belong to Lockwood no questions asked.

07.Challenge one another, It’s clear sometimes we don’t get along. Wolves may solve their disputes in a fight if that is what they wish. However! A healer and a tier 2 or above wolf must be present during the duel.

08.Laws are Fluid, Remember that the alpha’s word is also law. However these set rules can always change. Depending on the pack members behavior it can become hell to correct behavior that is undesirable.
[Image: 11ludc3.png]