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Oh Look Its a Contest!



7 Years
12-01-2015, 11:17 PM (This post was last modified: 12-01-2015, 11:27 PM by Cesar.)

Alpha: Cesar Gallus
Proposed Name: Phantasm or Wretched Ichor uhgIcan'tdecideyet
Proposed Color: #B7B5AE
Proposed Lands: Whisperer's Gorge and Whistling Willows

Why You Should Vote for Me! A spontaneous and chaotic pack! It would give a great option to wolves of darker alignments, as well as bring general excitement to Alacritis (you guys know how Cesar is, so there’ll always be something random happening). Of course, he’ll be incompetent, but that’s the fun in it :U As for h ow the pack itself would be, think of maybe… like a band of raiders but with a bit of a lost boys feel to it too – not too many real rules, lots of roughhousing, a good deal of childishness (and hopefully it would last at least a few weeks before getting smashed by someone else’s pack for pee-tagging their borders xD). Very different from the usual organized and proper pack that's made to protect the family/carry it on, etc., and I hope that would be a welcomed change.

Pack Information


BOSS (1)
Description: Really great. Top dog! Leader! Gets to boss everyone around, and no one can boss him around! Yeah.


Description: The Boss's most trusted companion. He or she has the second most authority in the pack and can call meetings as well as suggest rank promotions and rule changes. They can organize events and missions and banish wolves who’ve wronged the pack. This is who is next in line to lead should anything bad happen to the Boss. Probably should have pretty good leadership skills, since they'll have to make up for everything Cesar


Description: A leader in their particular division. Captains have definite authority over everyone beneath them in their division and may choose to have a Deputy if they wish (essentially their own second-in-command). They have mild authority over all others below them (e.g. the Stitcher Captain should be shown respect by all in lower tiers, but doesn't necessarily have the right to command anyone of the Killer or Stalker divisions.


Description: Essentially a second best/second-in-command for the division Captains to choose, if they so wish. Mostly serves as a prestigious title, although Deputies do have more authority over the tiers below them. This tier will likely be unused unless the pack grows large enough. There is no Shadow Deputy because of the small size of the division.


KILLER ONE, TWO, THREE, etc. (Unlimited)
STITCHER ONE, TWO, THREE, etc. (Unlimited)
STALKER ONE, TWO, THREE, etc. (Unlimited)
Description: The main body of the pack. Wolves in tier five are simply ranked by division and number within their division. Stitchers and Stalkers will be ranked in order of expertise. Killers will be ranked by Killer Hierarchy (see "Tier Five" in the Hierarchy section below).

Killer One - Wolf A
Killer Two - Wolf B
Killer Three - Wolf C
Stitcher One - Wolf D
Stalker One - Wolf E


INITIATE (Unlimited)
Description: Someone who just joined! Might go through a bit of hazing and be given a random task to complete to prove true loyalty and officially get in. Before they are fully inducted, they must choose a field to work in. Children remain initiates, studying for their division, until they reach a year old, at which time they can finally be full-fledged members of the pack.  


PRISONER (Unlimited)
Description: Could be a prisoner of war, an unfortunate someone captured from outside, or a pack member who has done wrong and needs some good old fashioned humiliation. Prisoners are mostly used for entertainment, left to the cruel whims of the pack, or for whatever else they might seem useful for (likely bait for ambushes or other random uses, since they could hardly be trusted with real work). A prisoner might be designated to someone in particular as a reward – a personal slave. Besides being killed, there are no limits to what can be done to a prisoner.

The divisions are essentially jobs a wolf can have. They are very important, and sort of have their own chain of command within the pack. All members must choose a division. Having a skill pertaining to that division is recommended but not required. Divisions have their own hierarchies within tier five to further organize members and encourage competition and progress.

Killer - Fighters. Utilize the fighting skill. Unlimited number.
Stitcher - Healers. Utilize the healing skill. Unlimited number.
Stalker - Hunters. Utilize the hunting skill. Unlimited number.
*Shadow - Spies. Utilize the intelligence and navigation skills. Since spies aren't always necessary, to be a Shadow you must also pick one of the main three divisions to participate in while not performing spy work (so, like, most of the time). Limited to four.

Hierarchy functions on two levels - on the tiers, and specifically within tier five. In the grand scheme of things, overall tier position is more important, but having a subordinate hierarchy with the "main" tier of the pack serves to make progress much easier and promote competition. Also, everyone can be special 'cause they get their own number!

Tiers - Wolves can ascend through tiers by promotion from the Boss. Typically the more expertise in your field you have, the more likely you are to get a better rank, but activity and other things can factor in too. Captain ranks will usually be "locked" (unable to be challenged for), since fighting capabilities are a pretty bad way of judging who should be the lead healer...

Tier Five - Once becoming true members of the pack, wolves enter tier five, where within their division they are ranked by number. Wolves in the Stitcher and Stalker divisions are ranked in order of expertise. Killers are ranked by order of joining, and then scuffle with the rank above them to move up. E.g. Killer Three wants to move up in the ranks, so he must fight Killer Two. If he wins, they trade ranks, with the loser getting demoted. The Killer Captain position can be challenged for outright, unless otherwise specified.

Division Hierarchy Example -
Captain - Wolf A
Deputy - Wolf B
One - Wolf C
Two - Wolf D

- Games
- Parties
- Jumping strangers
- Confusing strangers
- Kidnapping strangers
- Screaming

I. Maybe cliché, but loyalty and pride in the group is important. You might not feel like getting too chummy with everyone else, but that’s fine as long as you have a good gang mentality!
II. Hierarchy. Listen to higher-ups or they’ll bite your face off. Unless you can bite their face off, of course.
III. Everyone is expected to be able to fight, even if not a part of the Killer division. Exceptions can be made though.
IV. Scuffles within the pack are welcome!
V. Anyone who trespasses is free game to be assaulted and captured. How fun!
VI. Freeloaders will be pummeled and kept captive for future pummeling. If you aren’t useful to the pack, we’ll make you useful.
VII. Babies are annoying. You can have babies, but it’s up to you to make sure they don’t fall into anyone’s mouth…
VIII. Locked ranks cannot be challenged for.
IX. Don’t kill anyone in the pack.
X. Have fun.

*Cesar's antics can quickly turn from innocent to hostile.