
With One Headlight



8 Years
Athena I
12-02-2015, 12:26 PM

"The sky feels so empty when the moon hides her face..." That felt like the understatement of the year. Without the moon his night sky felt desolate and barren. It sent his nights into a spiral of loneliness. The sun was his connection to the universe, but the moon kept him balanced. The moon was his connection to earth. Now, much like Astrea had noticed in her talks with him, he was depending on his other siblings to fill in that gap. It felt as though it took all of his family to fill the void that his twin had left. He was just lucky enough to have siblings that cared so much that they were willing to do that for him.

Solaris watched Voltage as he spoke, his expression sad and solemn. He knew how his brother felt, even if this soul crushing emotion he was talking about was pointedly for Selini for him. He knew what it was like to miss someone so much it derailed everything else. He loved all of his siblings dearly, but missing his moon had distracted him from that fact until now. When Voltage leaned into him and rested his head on his shoulder Solaris was more than happy to let him. He wanted to be here for his brother and if this was what he needed right now then that was what he would do for him.

"It's okay to grieve," he said softly after letting them lay there in silence for a short time. He kept his gaze facing out toward the horizon as he spoke, his voice quiet and thoughtful. "I would be more concerned for you if you weren't grieving. It's good to love as deeply as you do. At some point though, we have to keep going for the ones that are still here. Glacier, Astrea, Gale, Terrae, Current, myself... We're all here. We're here together because you gave us this place to live in." He brought his gaze down to look at Voltage, hoping he could possibly express just how much his words meant to him. He had never been the best at expressing his feelings, but he hoped maybe he could just this once express himself properly. "I'm not saying that you need to be bright and chipper right this very moment. Or tomorrow. Or the day after that. It may be months from now before you're back to your old self if you ever are, but you can't keep laying on the beach like this or hiding in the den. If not for us then for yourself. I can't watch you waste away to nothing." He swallowed hard around the lump in his throat and brought his head down to lay his neck around Voltage's, trying to give him some form of an embrace. "I can't lose you too."

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