
Take them and disappear



9 Years
Athena I
12-02-2015, 03:19 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2015, 03:20 PM by Leo.)

Leo had taken to wandering through the pack lands just to give himself something to do in the last few days. He had begun to take some solace in the fact that he knew without a doubt that Arian was gone. It didn't really help the fact that she was gone, but at least he wasn't just left wondering like he was for the rest of his lost siblings. It was hard for him to accept that all of his siblings were lost except for Amalia and he somehow saw her only rarely even though they lived in the same pack. If it wasn't for Svetlana he wasn't sure how he would handle this loneliness that kept creeping up on him. With his nieces and nephews out of his reach it only made things worse.

Just as he was thinking of his nieces and nephews, he happened to catch the scent of a young wolf near the borders, right before he spotted the gray and white pup standing at the edge of the hot springs. He hadn't seen Razor in a long time, but there was no mistaking his scent or the white patch around his eye. Seeing his nephew immediately brightened his day and he smiled, making his way over to the boy. He saw him eyeing one of the springs and he chuckled. "You don't wanna get in one of those," he told him. "Sure, they're warm, but you'll be reeeeeally cold and wet once you have to get out of it and I don't think you want to live in the hot spring for the rest of winter." He smiled and sat back on his haunches in front of his nephew. "What are you doing here, Razor? Shouldn't you be at home?"

"Talk" "You" Think