
I hate this part


12-02-2015, 05:38 PM

Cypress would breathe out a soft sigh. Oh Leo, he would think to himself. If only he could have picked a better time to come. But alas it was inevitable. His nieces and nephews, Cy’s children with Arian, lived here. “Things are rough, Leo.” Cypress would not lie to the orange man at all. “Things are incredibly rough. This woman you see here is Marina Agatsuma, my secondary, and successor to this pack. It has been renamed Borealis, to be shaped in her image.” The man would keep his gaze on Leo’s own, though he longed to look away.

“I meant what I said at the deathmatch. I meant it when I said I would go after Sin. I don’t know if I’ll live, I don’t know if I’ll come home... But I’ll be damned if allow him to take Arian’s life and get away with it. This pack needed fresh blood... Someone who wouldn’t be spat upon for being who they were. Arian and I...” He felt like he was choking on his own words. “We had strong wills... Good intentions... But we weren’t strong enough to protect our pack.” Cy could no longer hold Leo’s gaze.

It hurt. Gods it hurt to say that. “I lost Arian’s best friend to Imperium, the pack that has given us hell, right before the death match. I can’t help but wonder if I hadn’t failed... If Avalon had been here... If Arian might have thought better on fighting Sin.” He hadn’t even realized that tears had formed in his eyes and begun rolling down his cheeks.

“I... I can’t let Sin get away with killing her... Leo... I...” He’d glance to Marina, then to the orange man again, the tears flowing freely now. He couldn’t hold his emotions. “Should I fall... Should the children wish it... Could they find a home in Fiori?”
