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2 Years
Extra large
12-03-2015, 05:09 AM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2015, 11:31 AM by Calypsei.)
"It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever."
Alpha: Calypsei Oceana
Proposed name: Kastella
Proposed color: #3235C6
Proposed lands: Wolfpaw Lake and Traveler's Lake

Why You Should Vote for Me: I believe that the thing that separates this pack from the others is the ideals that the pack will be founded with. It's not quite as defined as the other packs, no clear intention per say which leaves room for development depending on the members. In essence, it's a family that doesn't look towards social codes, apart from the hierarchy, that any wolf can really fit into as it includes all alignments within it's ranks. It's wolves from all different backgrounds coming together and working together to survive. Apart from the tier one and tier two ranks holding certain powers based on their skills as to what wolves can/cannot do in a situation, the entire pack is more of one grey area of proving their worth.


Tier 1 Rank: Harbinger
Description: The Harbinger is the supreme word of the lands and his/her word is final on any matters concerning the pack.

Tier 1 Rank: Vanguard
Description: This is the Harbinger's most trusted adviser, second in command, and often times mate. They assist the Harbinger with their plans and give input when needed. They can accept new members at the borders, and they can give promotions alongside the Harbinger.

Tier 2 Rank: Heritor
Description: This is the heir and next in line to the throne should ill fall upon both the Harbinger and the Vanguard. They are able to accept new members into the pack; this rank may be challenged for.

Tier 2 Rank: Conscript
Description: The lead warrior, he/she is responsible for overseeing the training of pups, yearlings, and new adults as well as giving feedback to the Harbinger and the Vanguard as to who has shown great skill and worthy of a promotion. They reserve the right to promote warriors to guardians.

Tier 2 Rank: Shaman
Description: The lead healer - when it comes to injuries, his/her word is law. They hold the power to restrain others from duty for the matter of healing purposes. They reserve the right to promote healers to priests/priestesses.

Tier 3 Rank: Guardians
Description: Senior warriors who have proven themselves to either the Vanguard, the Conscript, and/or the Vanguard in their chosen area (hunting, scouting, fighting).

Tier 3 Rank: Priest/Priestess
Description: Senior healers who have proven themselves to the Shaman, Harbinger, or Vanguard.

Tier 4 Rank: Warriors
Description: The warriors of the pack who split time between protecting, hunting, and scouting. They make up the basis of the pack and may specialize in one area.

Tier 4 Rank: Healer
Description: Healers from the pack, their main focus is healing but it is preferred they also take time to do some hunting and maybe some scouting while they are out searching for herbs for the stores.

Tier 5 Rank: Bairn
Description: Any child, regardless of their parents rank, is placed in this group because respect and dominance are not established by bloodline, but by their work and talents.

Tier 6 Rank: Defiler
Description: Prisoners claimed for trespassing or stealing from the pack.

Tier 6 Rank: Transgressor
Description: Prisoners claimed during times of war from an enemy pack.


  1. Respect. Respect is the fundamental principle of the pack - respect those who have earned it, regardless of rank or status.
  2. Effort. Do your best, and you shall be reward. Procrastinate and slack, and the consequences shall follow.
  3. Liberty. The more you work and the more you benefit the collective, the more liberties will find yourself able to take.
  4. Top Dog. Settle all dispute between wolves in private. Don't kill each other, preferably not maim, but work it out however you need to.
  5. Don't be a stranger. Talk to people! Know your packmates because one day they could be the ones saving your bum and connections outside the pack only make it stronger.
  6. Theirs is the kingdom. Respect the children and guide them on their journey for they are the next generation.
  7. Sanctuary. Safety and protection is to be offered to lone children under the age at one at all times.

Avatar Credit goes to euphoriclies on dA/Sarah on RoW