
Witch Doctor Wanted



7 Years
Athena I

12-03-2015, 02:06 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2015, 02:07 PM by Zuriel.)

Zuriel nodded to confirm that she was indeed a healer. She was quite proud of the fact that she could confidently say that now. She still had vivid memories of learning the most basic of herbs and techniques from her grandmother when she was very young and now she had studied endlessly on her own and had gotten some tips and knowledge from Kavdaya as well. Now she was a healer. She wondered sometimes if Erani could see her now and if she was proud.

He went on to tell her about how he hadn't been treated and knew nothing of the plants here. She was imidiately curious about where he had come from and what the plants and herbs there were like, but she didn't want to start spouting off questions at a stranger. She really wouldn't have even been surprised if he had lived here is whole life and knew nothing about the herbs here. Many wolves didn't.

"That's quite alright," she reassured him. She looked down at the boneset between her front paws. Well... she could always find more she guessed. She wasn't in dire need of it anyway. "Here," she said as she bent down used her teeth to gently pull off a small segment of the herb before placing it at the man's paws. She also used her forepaw to nudge the rest of the herb toward him. "This is called boneset. It's great for colds. You only need to take a little bit at a time. Too much at once will make you sick. I'd take that much-" she'd point with her paw at the small segment she had portioned out for him, "-once a day till it's gone. That should be enough to help you get over your cold as long as you stay out of the cold as much as you can. Find a comfy den and stay there unless you need to eat or drink and such. And make sure you take it all cause even if you're feeling better the cold might not actually be gone. It'll creep back up on you."

"Talk" "You" Think