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Master Fighter (240)

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The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Pride - PansexualValentines 2020VolcanoCritical Hit!
Trick 2019
12-03-2015, 10:39 PM (This post was last modified: 12-09-2015, 11:59 PM by Ashmedai.)
Alpha: Ashmedai Imperialis
Proposed name: Sichon
Proposed color: #000034
Proposed lands: Whistling willows, Dancefloor of the Gods

Why You Should Vote for Me: If you have ever thought, "Gee, these packs all look cool, but I wish there was a gang instead," then this is the pack for you! Code names, bandannas, drinking, and drugs! This rag-tag group will surely be interesting! Considered a neutral pack, we at Ashmedai inc. hope to attract many members of different alignments that will put their differences aside only for each other. No wolf is forced to pretend they are someone they aren't, all that's asked of them is their undying loyalty to the leader and the gang. You want to help a bunch of wolves? Do it! You want to bring in concubines and do drugs? Do it! Just swear your loyalty away to the Leader and be willing to defend your pack regardless of differences when the time comes. What, your wolf is too good for slaves and wants to fight for their freedom? Great! Join today and you can totally do that! Free all the slaves in the pack! You might get fought for it, but as long as you don't kill each other now and will defend each other later, it's all cool! This pack will work better for people who value character development through IC events as we hope to have characters that will negotiate ways to live with one another.


Tier 1 Rank: Leader
Description: I am the leader, I lead the pack. This is obvious. When I call, you come. The welfare of the pack falls on my shoulders and my members help me lift it. I am responsible for war and alliances and the overall state of the pack. What I say goes and if there's a serious problem, I expect you to come to me. I care for each member of my pack personally, despite any differences. I am the uniting factor.

Tier 2 Rank: Lead (x2)
Description: I am the Leader's Lead. It is my job to help in the duties without overstepping my bounds. I am still expected to consult with the leader and trust the leader above all. My freedoms are mine. I can bring slaves into the pack and call hunts and training. I have sworn my loyalty to the Leader and the Pack. I am responsible for treating everyone fairly, despite differences. I am here to make sure things don't get out of hand when the leader isn't around.

Tier 3 Rank: Best Brawler
Description: I am proven to be one of the best fighters in these lands. My style is both strong and swift. I can lead fight training. I have sworn my loyalty to the leader and to the pack. Regardless of views, I am to train everyone equally and treat everyone with respect.

Tier 3 Rank: Head Healer
Description: I am proven to be one of the best healers in these lands. My knowledge of herbs is versatile for both pain and pleasure. I can lead training for herb users. I have sworn my loyalty to the leader and to the pack. Regardless of views, I am to train everyone equally and treat everyone with respect.

Tier 3 Rank: Top Tracker
Description: I am proven to be one of the best trackers in these lands. My knowledge of the lands and hunting is versatile for both navigation and hunting. I can lead hunting training and pack hunts. I have sworn my loyalty to the leader and to the pack. Regardless of views, I am to train and provide food for everyone equally and treat everyone with respect.

Tier 4 Rank: Brawler
Description: I am a fighter in the pack. I have proven myself useful in combat and strive to protect the pack and mentor where I can. I swear my loyalty to the Leader and the protection of the pack. It is my responsibility to practice and hone my skills.

Tier 4 Rank: Healer
Description: I am a healer in the pack. I have proven myself useful with herbs and strive to provide the pack with quality care and mentor where I can. I swear my loyalty to the Leader and the health of the pack. It is my responsibility to practice and hone my skills for both pain and pleasure.

Tier 4 Rank: Tracker
Description: I am a Tracker in the pack. I have proven myself competent in hunting and tracking and strive to provide the pack with food and mentor where I can. I swear my loyalty to the Leader and the well being of the pack. It is my responsibility to practice and hone my skills.

Tier 5 Rank: Gang
Description: I have not yet chosen a path, and I acknowledge that I must do so soon. I now swear my loyalty to the Leader and the future of the pack. It is my responsibility to find my interests and begin to sharpen my skills for the pack.

Tier 5 Rank: Concubine
Description: I have come here because of the services my body provides. Because I am a source of pleasure, the pack will take care of me. Though I do not demand respect, I am not to be treated harshly. I swear my loyalty to the Leader, my owner, and the pack. If allowed by my owner, I will contribute to the pleasure of many members in exchange for the care and protection of the pack.

Tier 6 Rank: Slave
Description: I have fallen into unfortunate circumstances, but am willing to work for my master. It is my responsibility to be of service to the pack, though I am aware they owe me nothing. I must now swear my loyalty to the Leader first, then my Master, then the pack, with my own will coming in last.

1. Let the Leader lead. The leader is expected to lead and keep the pack together. The leader is the beacon of light and the tie that unites all the wolves.
2. Have a qualm? Fight about it. You are allowed to fight between members, just don't maim each other to death. Scarring is allowed, but remember that sight, hearing, balance, and the likes are needed to keep the pack strong. Settle your personal issues, but keep the pack in mind.
3. Fights are allowed, spars are encouraged. Keep your strengths up, listen to the judges, try harder next time.
4. Challenge me. All ranks can be challenged for up to tier two, simple as that, but earning them is even sweeter.
5. Keep you heart open to the Leader. Make threads with the Leader. Earn trust and ranks through threads. Settle your concerns or whatever you need.
6. Know everyone. Know your Enemy. Talk in the pack, talk out of the pack. Try to figure out what each others ideals are. When you travel, talk to members of other packs. Figure out their weaknesses or lure them into coming home with you.
7. You are going to get a code name. Go by it when you're in the pack. It can be changed as you change. Outside of the pack, go by your birth name.
8. Go long! Speaking of outside of the pack, travel, familiarize yourself with the terrain, other packs, and their wolves, just don't bring trouble home. You are encourage to travel in pairs or more, but lone travels are allowed always, no permission needed, just don't stay gone for a whole season.
9. You decisions mark you. Wear your scars proudly. Heck, wear anything proudly. Piercings, colored fur, scars, and other accessories are encouraged and will be considered a sign of unity and expression. (May be given out to high tiers, during times of accomplishments, as presents, or whatever)
10. Eat, drink, and be merry! Your hobbies are your hobbies and are fine unless they bring harm to the pack. You are still expected to be ready to defend the pack whenever, but otherwise, life is a party.
11. The nitty gritty. Slaves, sex, drinking, drugs, concubines, fighting are allowed.
12. Abandonment is treason. If you have issues, talk to the leader, but don't just leave and don't turn your back on the pack.
13. Got any questions? Ask the leader, that's why he's here.
Ash wears a tourist shirt and a spiked leather harness from time to time. Sometimes together, sometimes not. Just so you know what you're getting yourself into.