
I'm Too Much!


12-03-2015, 11:06 PM

Hera blink, taken aback by the woman's justification for her actions. She wanted to warm up, so she... curled up in the snow? A brow over one of her silver eyes raised with confusion. "No, no, it's not that, I'm just... I don't understand why you'd want to lay in the snow. If you're cold, that thing makes pretty good shelter-" she said, motioning with her head toward the large ship. "It's not terribly warm, but it's out of the wind and it's gotta be better than laying on... well ice basically."

She eyed the woman for a moment before shrugging and beginning to make her way around the black and red wolf. "It's up to you of course. Just seems to make more sense to me... And sorry for almost stepping on you." She continued on her way toward the ship, only briefly glancing over her shoulder toward the woman behind her before focusing on the ship. She didn't care if the woman followed her or not. If she wanted to lay in the snow that was fine by her. It was her life.

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