
Then I'll Raise You Like A Phoenix


12-03-2015, 11:33 PM

Mieu would frown as Ash pulled away. Something had been bothering him? But why? Mieu would roll to his belly, getting to his paws. He would flick his ears back some, giving a whine. “What’s up Ash?” Then it came out. Mieu didn’t really know how to fight, though he had always assumed if he needed to the instincts were in there somewhere. His father had always been the fighter... And he... He wasn’t. He would bite his lip, not sure what to say. Could he really do it if he had to?

Gaze would shoot back up to Ashmendai at his suggestion. Mieu would feel tears sting his eyes. No! He didn’t want to fight. He definitely didn’t want to fight Ash. The brown boy could see what his friend wanted to do but... He’d look at the ground again.

Pretend. They were just going to pretend. So Ash could help him. So he could know how well he could defend himself. Mieu would take a deep breathe, trying to steady his nerves. He didn’t want this... But... It was just pretend. Nothing serious. It wasn’t like they were going to maim each other or anything.

“Ash... I won’t lie... I’m scared...” The boy would admit, lifting his gaze to his friend. But I don’t want to disappoint you. “I’m going to try my hardest, okay?” He just had to think, remember what he’d seen from fights he’d witnessed... Particularly with that taller woman, Birna, when she put his sister in the dirt.

Ash was much bigger than him... But Mieu knew size wasn’t everything. He’d brace himself.

Ears would lay back against his skull, eyes would narrow, and head would align with the spine His neck would get scrunched up, shoulders rolled forward, and his stance widened. Within his widened stance he would distribute his weight equally among his spread legs, spreading his toes as well. Claws would bite into the soil as he bent his knees at the joints, tucking his tail. Finally his hackles were raised along his body -- the easy part done. Mieu could remember practicing defenses with his father before Emery disappeared. Attacking was the hard part.

He’d hesitate, hoping his friend wouldn’t move first and still let him go. He just... He just had to make himself ready! Mieu would take one more shuddering breath and then move.

Attempting to close the distance between himself and Ashmendai the brown boy would attack head on. His goal was to seemingly go for Ash’s legs. But as Meiu got closer he would twist his head upward, aiming to push off the ground with his legs, on all fours, to grab Ashmendai’s lower jaw. Mieu’s top jaw aimed to wrap around the left side of Ash’s lower jaw, across the middle, while his own bottom jaw stretched across the bottom of Ash’s own to reach the right side. In addition to this Mieu would aim to throw his weight and right foreleg forward, to stop on the left forepaw of his friend. Tears stung his eyes... But he wouldn’t back down.

...because he wanted to make Ash proud.

Round ONE of TWO
