
Target 1



4 Years
12-03-2015, 11:43 PM (This post was last modified: 12-03-2015, 11:58 PM by Takira.)

Takira sat, her amber gaze taking in the sight around her. It was deep into winter but only a little bit of snow has fallen. But just enough to give her a good sight of those pray animals now digging around in the trees that where now bared of leaves. It seemed that a few goats and horses have made their way down from the rang and hills to see if the trees had left behind their fruit. She tilted her head, trying to eye the best target. She has been known to pull down a deer or even a goat on her own but in both cases her pray had been sick or injured, if she was to take down one of these she would need others.

Takira sighed, knowing that she more than likely would have to turn around and go back to her den without a kill and then come back when she had more wolves with her. Which also seemed unlikely as she kept to herself most of the time, she was a little antisocial in the fact that she did not like to meet others.

She tilted her head the other way, spying a likely target, one that was still healthy but was showing signs of weakening, yes that would do, even if she had to hunt alone she would at least try to bring that one down.

Anyone can post, but after the first person posts I will continue the hunt in two days or when three others reply, whatever comes first. I also ask that you all be quick, I can careless about quality of posts xD I am looking to this this done as fast as possible.
[Image: taske_wind_by_wolftaske-d9besws.png]
[Image: Takira%20Qotes_zps33ftvwls.png]